Lonely Christmas

Kervyn was starting to lose his temper, "So?Katherine or Gaea?" he asked again, this time pulling the trigger of the gun.

Eryk didn't answer.

Who should he save? With legs like these.

Eryk tried to step up, which failed again.

Why is his step heavy again!? It was better before!

"Hmph. Typical Eryk, won't choose, huh? You hurt them, you know?" said Kervyn with a sad face for just a moment before turning cold again, "or do you like them getting hurt, huh?"

Eryk's eyes widened in shock, "Wait! I will choose—!"

Kervyn smirked, and pressed his gunshot, "Say goodbye ..."


Dream Over


"Stop it!" cried Eryk aloud.

Silent ...

Eryk looked around the room, he never felt this good to be in his bedroom. He stared blankly at the wall of his room, "Dream ...?" he muttered between his quick breaths.

The dream felt so real.