Awkward Night

Gaea glanced left and right to check the situation outside her room.

Quiet ...

It is only eleven o'clock at night now, but no one is there anymore?

'Maybe they're all asleep ...?

She still couldn't believe Eryk didn't celebrate Christmas tonight.

Gaea came out downstairs after she was sure the situation was safe, but when she got downstairs, her eyes met Lola's blue eyes.

The two of them froze where they stood.

Gaea had been successfully evading since the afternoon, enduring hunger too. All failed because she wanted to check the collection of films owned by the Enzo family.

Lola, who just came out of the kitchen after taking a drink, frowned, "What are you doing at night like this?" she asked coldly.

Gaea gasped, she still wasn't used to Lola's new cold attitude, "I want to watch a movie in the living room, I haven't eaten either."