Will You Sing for Me?

"Shoot me then," said Kervyn fearlessly.

"Shut up. Before I do, I want you to answer me. Why are you doing this to Dad!?" asked Eryk commanded coldly.

"Your little brain won't be able to process it," Kervyn said, rising slowly.

"I order you to shut up," said Eryk as he fired at Kervyn's side, warning him if he didn't feel like playing around, "and explain why!?"

Still with a smirk on his lips, Kervyn replied, "I need her for research."

"Who is she?" asked Eryk.

"Ding, the answer session is over," Kervyn said, and he quickly attacked Eryk, giving a punch to his left cheek.

Eryk had stumbled backward after being hit, he refocused his gun to shoot. His eyes were wide, no bullets came out. Not wanting to get into trouble, he threw it away, then endured Kervyn's punch again with both hands, but there was another punch from him using his knee, he couldn't hold it and hit his stomach, "Ugh ..."