Deep In His Heart (Rainer)

Eryk immediately erased his thoughts when the word 'husband' appeared. This is the result because looking for comfort in her again, he thought strangely again, "Your time is up. Get up."

"Not yet," Gaea replied.

"If it continues like this, I will ask you to pay every minute," said Eryk.

"Eh?" Gaea immediately straightened up, her cheeks puffed with anger, "You're evil."

"You should do the same," said Eryk ignorantly, "ah ... just open a shoulder-leasing business, it suits you."

His wickedness didn't interest him. He shook his head, "That's enough. I'm going to sleep."

"Finally ..."

Gaea rolled her eyes. "Good night," she said as she went to her bedroom.

"You too," Eryk answered with a small smile on his lips.


Rainer sat back on the bed looking blankly ahead, unable to sleep. His brain was repeating what had happened to him when he was with Gaea.

'I can't believe I'm acting like that.'