Deep in His Heart (Rainer Part 2)

Xander looked at Rainer this time, "How about you, Rainer? You want to become a Bodyguard with Eryk?"

Rainer nodded without protest, becoming a Bodyguard could get him out of this house too.


Rainer initially just wanted to calm down by himself. He doesn't care about the little girl Eryk described when he dyed his hair to blonde, but when he finally meets the little girl named Gaea, he can't stop himself if they have the same thing in common.

They both saw their parents die before their eyes. In contrast, Gaea's situation was much sadder than him.

Rainer glanced at Gaea who was sitting on the swing beside him. He had done many ways to get her to play with him, but all of them were useless.

Gaea didn't even want to speak.

Rainer then glanced at Eryk who was leaning under a tree.

'He doesn't want to help me either.'

Rainer rolled his eyes, then refocused his eyes on Gaea, "Hey ..."

Gaea didn't say anything.