Deep in His Heart (Ferdinand)

Gaea wanted to be closer to Ferdinand, but instead of having lunch together, she asked him to practice shooting together. She was amazed by his excellent shooting skills hitting all the midpoints of the target, "Ferdinand, you sure know how to shoot~"

"I learned to shoot since I was eighteen, Gaea," said Ferdinand.

"I see," said Gaea, "you weren't thinking of becoming a cop? I'm sure you fit in."

"No, I was never interested," said Ferdinand, loading the bullet in his gun, "my life is far from the rightness."

"Eh?" Gaea thought Ferdinand's tone sounded sadder? "What do you mean? You're not involved in anything illegal, from what I know."

Ferdinand chuckled, "I'm not. Being a cop is not my taste," he said, "actually I want to open a gym shop in a small town with my girlfriend. I want our life to be more peaceful."