
Gaea turned her head. "What's the matter, Eryk?" she asked. Though she thought it was Rainer, it wasn't.

"I want to talk to you," said Eryk, "come with me."

Gaea obeyed, seeing Eryk's face so serious. She saw him into his own room, she kept following.

"Lock it, please," said Eryk.

"Why?" Gaea was confused even though her hand moved to lock his bedroom door.

Eryk sat on the bed while turning on the television, then he patted the place beside him gesturing for her to sit there.

Gaea hesitated, she was a little nervous and chose to sit a little away from Eryk out of embarrassment.

Eryk who saw Gaea has so distanced from him drew closer that their shoulders touched each other, "You, I find it hard to speak if we are apart like this."

"What do you want to say?" Gaea asked directly, with her eyes fixed on the television that was broadcasting the news about a criminal case of theft.