Take a Middle Path

Gaea breathed a sigh of relief after the taxi left.

On the other hand, Alex shouted happily, "They finally left! Wohooo ...!"

"What's wrong with you, Alex?" asked Gaea.

"I've been waiting for this rare moment for a long time," said Alex with fiery enthusiasm, "do you know what this means, babe?"

"Um ..." unfortunately Gaea didn't understand.

"That means we're a pizza party, Gaea," Lola replied, then greeted by Alex's shouts of joy again.

"Eh? But Eryk said ..." Gaea said hesitantly.

"Don't be like Eryk, Gaea. He's too worried about us," said Ferdinand, "we haven't had a fast food party in a long time, Eryk is always at home so it's hard."

"Just pizza, babe. What's the bad thing going to happen?" said Alex innocently.

Gaea was worried herself. Is it good not to take Eryk's advice? He wanted to protest, but three against one, obviously one is lost.

"I'll prepare the drink," said Ferdinand.