
'But ...'

Gaea remembered Kervyn saying that if one of the documents was in Eryk's hands, it meant that she would return to Eryk's house.

'Except the documents that may be in my house in Sitka are the remaining documents.'

Kervyn explains that Katherine couldn't find anything at Eryk's house anyway.

'Maybe I should take it anyway ...'

Kervyn hands Gaea a slightly dusty CD. He smiled a little after giving it.

Gaea swallowed her disappointment at failing to hide the tissue or paper, blaming herself for thinking too much. She looked at the dusty CD, then cleaned it, "You should keep this well."

"My house is full," Kervyn responded innocently, "Instead of thinking about that, I decided we should go now to Sitka."

Gaea stared in shock.

Again he suddenly changed his mind!


Kervyn had succeeded in changing Gaea's mind, so he had no reason to linger here, "The sooner the better."