The Truth (Kervyn)

Gaea had no choice but to follow Kervyn's orders to go to Sitka now. No matter how much she hates it, this is the wish of her parents. She knew there was little chance of him lying, so she decided to ask a few questions while in the car.

'Which one should I ask first? I have to be careful not to offend him.'

Gaea thought for a moment, wondering how many questions were floating in her head, before finally opening her mouth, "Can I ask you something?"

"Feel free to ask me questions, Gaea," Kervyn answered softly.

"Why are you doing all this?" Gaea asked without hesitation, her face serious to let him know that she wasn't joking or looking down on him.

Kervyn didn't expect that question to be brought up by her. He thought it would be about her parents. He did not protest, only surprised for a moment, "I thought you would not be interested in my story."