Home Sweet Home

Zeke chuckled.

Kervyn felt insulted by his uncle's laughter. He threatened again and with a voice louder than before, "Does it seem like a joke to you, old man!?"

Zeke stopped laughing, but his lips still grinned a little, "I know you're serious."

"Then give me your trash excuse ...!"

"If I answer it. Will you believe it?" Zeke asked back, "You don't know anything about the conflict between us," he continued.

Kervyn clenched her fists. He hated losing the most, but what his uncle says was true. He doesn't know anything about his parents.

"You can judge the negatives and positives. I was the one who tried to stop Xander from doing it because it wasn't perfect to me, but the decision was still up to both of them," Zeke explained calmly, After that failure, Xander closed the research we built together with tears and sweat. You know what that means, right?"