Welcome Back, Baby

[Eh? Did you change the number? You're here!?]

"Yes, Mom. I brought a friend too," said Gaea.

[Oh! Friend? Meaning not Lola? Is that your handsome fiancé, baby?]

"Yes, my handsome fiancé—eh?" Gaea realized that her mother was talking about a fiancé, which meant Eryk, "How did you know I have a fiancé from?"

[Baby, I really don't like the internet, but your brother told me the video proposal that went viral. I immediately recognized it was you, honey. Oh, you got an established man.]

Gaea coughed nervously, not expecting the video to reach her town. She became worried because the one with her was not Eryk but Kervyn, "Actually I didn't bring Eryk, Mom."

[So your future husband's name is Eryk. Nice name, baby. Uh...? You said it wasn't Eryk? Who is it, then?]

Gaea took a breath, then said, "Kervyn... he's my boyfriend." As soon as she finished saying that, she could hear her mother's voice on the other end of the phone gasping in shock.