
Without taking his eyes off, Kervyn says, "My name is Kervyn, I'm Gaea's boyfriend."

Ethan froze for a moment before laughing loudly that filled the room, "You? Hahaha ... at least the guy in the video looks more manly than you. I guess Gaea has bad taste, huh?"

Gaea tightened her grip on Kervyn's jacket, signaling not to get into trouble. There is no point to do that.

On the other hand, Kervyn was actually interested in this conversation, "I'm impressed you paid attention to me to such detail, I'll write it in my head to be a real man," he says calmly, "oh, maybe start by not following your b*llshit earlier."

Ethan clenched his fists in emotion.

"That's enough. Enough, Ethan! Don't get into trouble with our guests," Lily says sharply, standing between the two men, "I hope you don't mad, Kervyn. Ethan is a bit possessive of who Gaea hangs out with, let alone men."

Too bad it had to end when Kervyn was interested, "An apology is fine with me."