Chapter 5 - I'm proud of you (Home)

The Cartel couple rode in silence to the old people's home while Juni was engrossed in thoughts of how he would try to get his wife to understand his new situation,Carmen being quite the observant wife had noticed her husband's countenance and knew he was thinking of how to say whatever he wanted to say to her,kept quiet mainly to give her husband enough time and space .

Juni broke the silence in the car when he parked in the Care Home's parking lot saying "we are hereeere.." with a smile in a singsong tone."I knowww .."his wife replied in a similar way and cocked her head to give him a sideway look as if to let him know,she will always be here when he was ready to talk,and that was it,no words were needed to convey their feelings for each other as they shared a quick kiss before getting out of the car with the cakes and other stuff Juni had gotten before going home to get his wife. Yes that was how strong their love was. Nothing could ever break them.

They sanitized and were checked in with a visitors card each while the stuff they bought were given to someone to take it to the garden, within a minute as they stepped into the visitor's hall which was quite empty and led to the garden,a voice which belonged to a pretty face tomboy nurse rang out "Hey there,Juni" she said dressed In blue trouser and shirt (nurse outfit)with quite a wide smile and made to hug him.when she was engulfed in another hug but with a different person,she laughed said to.the person hugging her "and hello there too, jealous little Carmen"

Carmen pulled back and replied pouting while Juni and Vee laughed "I'm not jealous and definitely not little,I'm as old as you"..but Vee just laughed slightly and smirked before replying" you remember I once helped steal your birth certificate from a certain hospital right?

"Shut the fuck up,you old snitch" Carmen swore while covering her face in his hands

Vee made her face into faked up shock while Juni felt himself laughing for the second time today thinking"God,the women in my life" but said something else aloud "Okay,that's enough guys"till laughing slightly himself,he added to Vee"where's she?"

Vee straighted up with a smile on her face and walked ahead of them and said "Follow me",her ass swaying gently in her blue nurse outfit.As they walked behind her towars the garden Carmen suddenly asked "you are not looking at her ass,are you?"..Juni laughed ,stopped and turned to look at her, stopping her too in her tracks "My eyes belong to you and your ass so are you doing the looking because I'm not"

"Eww,Nah nah"Carmen said hitting juni's arm playfully before giving him a quick kiss again and added "I love looking at your ass more"…

"jeez,does the mighty barrister have an ass fetish?"he laughed while replying but before either of them could continue,Vee called from.the doorway "No sextalk in the old people's home,lovebirds ,get over here"

"Such a cockblock"Carmen muttered under her breath only loud enough for only for Juni to hear as they went over to.the garden while laughing .

On entering the garden with Vee which was quite full of both old men and women as it was eveining already,Juni eyes scanned throughly and there he found his mom sitting alone with a game of chess,playing for both herself and the other invincible ,her face lit up as they neared " Juni here?its my birthday you know,will he come?"."Yes ma,im here"Juni said as he sat down beside her on the long chair and then added as she pulled him closer for a hug as she said "You are finally here, are finally here"

"yes ma,im finally here,im so sorry i took so long" and he looked up to see Carmen standing ,he held a hand out to her and said "Carmen is here too,ma ".Carmen on the other hand was seeing the old woman for the fifth time since she got married to her son,always so busy with no time to get familiar that even right there at the momment,the guilt of it bore down on her like a mountain, Juni had seen the hesistant guilty look on her face and quickly pulled her in to the hug fearing she might run, and luckily for carmen,she felt the old woman wrap her wrinkled hands around her while saying "Im glad you are here ,Carmen". Carmen felt herself relaxing into the hug as she replied 'Im glad to be here too,mama"

"Happy birthday to you,mama Cartel.."they all sang .they were now in the visiting hall with Racheal Cartel with Vee ,the other nurses and many other old people who they had called in to celebrate with them,it was quite an evening in the Care Home after an hour, with the hall almost empty,the nurses had gone back to their positions and the other old people going back to their rooms,one after the other,the family talked about life,food, career,family and derek ,when it was time for them to leave,the old woman grabbed her son's hand looking deep into his eyes with caring eyes before saying "Im proud of you,Juni",her only son smiled wearingly at her while carmen said "we love you too mama" and Carmen checked them out of the care home while Juni stayed behind her checking his wristwatch which read exactly 7:16pm

By 8pm,they should be home,he thought and smiled.Right,He will always have home.