Chapter 6 - Thrice is a charm

"Hey babe, could you help with my dress zipper? its stuck" Carmen asked ,trying to undress herself to get more comfortable after the day's activities while standing in from of her mirror in their dimly lighted room .

"Are you seriously trying to seduce me right now after such a long day?" Juni asked chuckling, while moving closer to her to help her out as indeed the zipper was stuck. Carmen scoffed " Of course not but.." turning around to face her husband while putting her hands around his neck before adding "but what if I was ,you are my husband after all, aren't you?" her lips were now dangerously close to his barely touching but close enough to feel their warm breaths ,so close yet without touching .

"God, woman, you hold my life in your hands.. you are a caring daughter in law in a minute and you are a hot seductress the next, how do you manage?" He asked jokingly with a low groan ,still dressed in his shirt and his almost loosened tie, he carried her up by the waist making her wrap and her legs around him, with her hand still around his necks, he carried her towards the direction of their king sized bed

"Hmm, maybe because I'm the wife of Juni Cartel ..mmmhm, plus ,aren't you being the seducer right now though?" she asked as he laid her down on the bed and smashed their lips together with every ounce of passion he could muster and she did the same as they made out heavily, tearing at each other's clothes till they came off, tongues darting everywhere

"God. mhm, its been such a while, I have missed this, ohm …mm I have missed us" she moaned aloud while writhing beneath her husband powerful kisses on her lips and neck as his hands roamed around freely on her body.

"yeah, baby ..i have missed us too" he grunted in reply as he continued his ministrations not letting down and soon enough, her hand was on belt tugging at it to make it come off

"God dammit, Juni, I need and want you so bad right no- "she was cut off by the thrilling ring of juni's phone and she held on to him afraid he would leave her wanting with need as she added "Do not take that ,Juni "

He didn't respond to her but he didn't make any move to answer the phone either as he joined in the effort to get his trousers off as the phone ring which had faded started again for the second time "do not answer that and I will love you forever , Juni" she moaned out to him and he chuckled as he finally got trousers out of the way and just as he was about to reach for his briefs, the thrilling phone call tune rand for the third time that night, if Juni was a easily shaken man when he noticed the pleading looks in his wife's eyes at that moment as she said "I will let you fuck my ass, Juni , just don't leave me here", he wouldn't have gotten up but he did saying "I'm really sorry babe, third time is a charm you know" and he stood up took his ringing phone and left the room and his wife in want. Carmen stood up muttering under her breath "I guess that is that" and gathered her clothes on the bedroom's floor before heading for the bathroom, as she the door closed behind her, the table clock in the room chimed 9pm.