Chapter 7 - Who hates to lose

Juni sighed when he left the room and his wife to move into.the sitting room but then he sighed more when he saw the name of the caller on his cell phone screen

"This better be good,Beyonce"he said almost angrily into the phone's mouthpiece as he picked up,he could almost hear his secretary tiredness in his voice as he spoke "it is ,I promise,did I interrupt something?"he added almost smugly but juni's next tone cut it off "I'm not joking,it better be good, what's up the "I got my panties in a bunch call",Beyonce?"

"It is good but you gotta stop calling me that,you know?"Mark said begrudgingly.."No ,I don't know, Beyonce .now spill before this line goes dead"Juni replied,Mark sighed before speaking"I guess it's really a bad time "

"shut the fuck up and talk or you are fired"Juni stated as he didn't want to go back into the room so early to prevent his wife's disappointment and questions ,hoping she would be asleep by the time he came in.

"Fine,well ,I know I already booked a meeting for you with her tomorrow already but you won't believe the crazy tip I just got from my sister's husband brother who works at Arik Air Corporation …"Mark stayed rhetorically "believing you or not is up to me ,just continue and stop being a dumbass though you are"Juni interjected while Mark just clicked his tongue before replying, shuffling of papers's sound made it apparent he was still at the office packing up"stop making everything so literal boss plus that was rhetoricaland we both know I'm no dumbass"

"Fifth tip of the day , Beyonce. Sometimes you gotta stay literal to win people with words and you are right ,you are no dumbass,you are a stupid ass"Juni said while Mark sighed before adding "well the crazy tip is that Angel Mandela is not making planning to meet us tomorrow."Mark made sure to let that sink in first before adding "She's taking the first flight tomorrow morning at 7am to Dubai".

*What?!"Juni practically shouted while Mark added at the other added end on the phone "that's what I thought". unfortunately for Juni,his shout had attracted his wife who showed up in the room he was with a questioning eyebrow dressed in her sexy pink night robe which showed off her legs and was tied in front with fragile belt ropes .Juni noticed without shame.

"So ,what should we do boss?are we intercepting or not?"Mark questioned loudly with a yawn in his voice on the the other end of the phone interrupting his boss lustful thoughts."Damn right,we are "Juni quickly said snapping out of his thoughts ."okay..?"Mark said obviously waiting for instructions.

"Wake up by 5am tomorrow be at my doorstep with some coffee or fucking get some damn coffee and skip this night's rest because we are escorting someone to the airport"Juni instructed with his wife still staring at him

Mark knew better than to argue with boss in such a tired state because everyone knew Juni never believed in getting tired when there is coffee avaliable,he was such a workaholic,still is but less ever since he got a son "okay,boss"he said and before he could add anything else tho he was not planning to ,the call was cut and he line went dead as the loyal secretary sighed and flopped down in his chair.

On the other end of the phone,after Juni cut off he call sharply , preparing himself for the intereogation ahead as he turned to face his wife,whom with her arms folded over her luscious breasts,it was over her chest but Juni's mind was still being lustful.

"What's going on,Juni?"Carmen Cartel asked opting for his name to indicate she was being serious.

"Babe.."He started saying in the fully lighted sitting room

"The name is Carmen,sweetie . don't babe me ,I just want some have been acting fixed up with me all day .just spill it" she stated while standing still glaring at him at he sat on a chair arm whose main seat was filled with Derek's toys

"Gosh, know me so well" he chuckled nervously and continued "well , you see -"

"I don't see,Juni. I hear ,so talk and don't be so nervous, I'm being your wife not a lawyer right now unless you have committed some sort of crime that you need to tell me about"Carmen interrupted

"Are you sure about that?"he muttered under his breath still nervous

"What did you say?"his wife who couldn't make out what he said asked

"Nothing" he answered rather quickly making his wife suspicious

She narrowed her eyes at him as she said "okayyy..?"

"Babe ,sit down "he offered

"No" she declined vehemently as he stood up and made her sit down to listen to his woes and tales while muttering"little stubborn cat"

After she had listened calmly to everything and gotten every little detail down.

He sat down in silence to give her space to digest the information she recieved,he watched her constant reactions which ranged from worrying to anger then to a meeting mischievous smile then a confusing expression and he waited for the question he knew was coming

"Wait..what?You are supposed to sign Angela Mandela?" She questioned suddenly like she had remembered something

"Yess.." he answered dragging the "yes"since it was should be pretty obvious to her already

"Ohhh…"Carmen dragged

"What is it?"he asked confused about why she was on about that,Juni Cartel was always known to be smart but none knew his wife could make him look as dumb as a duck without hesitation

"You seriously mean they are sending you to sign a hotshot 29 year old author who is quite pretty from what I have seen."Carmen finally stated

"So what?you are 29 too babe and a smoking hot barrister.They should send me to sign a man instead ?"He said chuckling at her glaring face

"You don't see anything wrong with that?!" She questioned almost angrily

"Babe, what are you-?" He didn't get to finish the question as she stood up and practically started ranting

"What the hell,Juni?You don't see what's wrong with why you get to spend alot of personal time with a hot woman who isn't me?"she asked glaring at him .

He had explained to her as the young author was difficult to sign,he would be intruding on the young author's privacy alot and would practically mirror her schedule so she would be constantly reminded she has a contract to sign which hopefully she would.

It finally hit him. His wife of over five years was being jealous,not that it wasn't cute or anything but he wasn't expecting right now and he told her just that

"I just told you about how hard it's going to be to get the promotion and you are being jealous?" He asked in disbelief

"Yes because that's the only thing I'm worried about right.."she paused as he looked on with a pissed look on his face which relaxed into a smile when she added "because I know you are going to get the promotion anyways,so why worry?"

Smiling,he asked as he pulled her onto his legs and nuzzled her neck "and why do you think so?"

She smiled while leaning into him the more and stated "Because I'm the wife of Juni Cartel who hates to lose"

"I love you,you know?"Juni asked rhetorically as he pulled her in closer .

"I love you more"She turned her head to face him and kissed him fully on the lips before standing up reaching out her hand to him

"You know that's not possible right because I love you most"Juni declared as they headed towards their room

She laughed before saying "let's get you some rest babe,you have a promotion to get".