Chapter 10 - A strong one

The day passed by slowly with Juni spending his afternoon thinking of strategies and signing off on some document,a quite dinner with his son and wife at in the evening and a not quite peaceful sleep at night but not after his wife had asked him how his day went,he had only mentioned he was tired and that he met up with the author but not the circumstances as he didn't want her to worry.

As he tossed around in their matrimonial bed that night contemplating his options,he wondered what the young author thought of his proposal.

"Rise and shine, baby"Carmen leaning her head down while standing at the foot of the bed gently kissed a corner of her husband's mouth to give him a good morning but in 2minutes,she found herself on top of him with his hands wrapped tightly around her waist,while he nibbled on the skin below her jaw ."Mmm"Carmen moaned out as they had a heated make out for some minutes "Now that's a good morning"Juni said before Carmen gently pushed his chest back and made to stand up but Juni held on tightly to her waist and refused to let go

"I need to wake Derek and get him ready for school,you know?"Carmen rebuked him but he affirmatively replied "I know,just this.." and then he placed a full kiss on her lips before relaxing his hold on her."You are such a tease"she said as stood up and started walking away with her hips swaying .Juni chuckled as she walked out the door to their son's room with her swaying hips and said to himself "I wonder about that"

The clock on the bedside chimed he stood up slapped his forehead with his palm before heading into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"Sweetheart,I'm off"He said while he was at the door all dressed up in a suit carrying his suitcase ."just a minute!" His wife yelled from the top of the stairs as she came down dressed in a formal outfit with their 4year old son who beamed at Juni immediately he saw him"Gwud morning,daddy"

"Morning to you too,little man,give me some"Juni said as he put out his fist and had a fist bump with his son ,His wife smiled at her proudly as she adjusted Juni's tie and asked "No coffee?"he smiled back at her saying a "I'm.kinda late already, babe" before kissing her lightly on the lips and after the proper goodbyes was said,he left for office at exactly 7:29am.

He met up with Tommy ,the diligent Bell boy at the elevator this morning which was filled with quite some people preventing him from the usual request and questions of the 15 year old boy,he quickly got off as he got to his floor and headed to where his office was located.

There was Mark seated on in his position just putting the phone down with a suprised look on his face but quickly composed himself as he said "Morning,Mr Cartel"

"Morning Beyonce"Juni beamed back as he headed into his office with his secretary right behind him with a notepad in his hand.As he settled down into his chair,he looked up at his fidgeting secretary and ordered him not bothering to ask why he was so worked up since he was sure he will speak in Good time.

"Go get me some coffee and some cookies"

Juni instructed but the fidgeting secretary didn't move a inch as he stared with concern into his boss's face

"God" Juni sighed before asking apparently annoyed "what is it?"

"Well,it's just you have an appointment soon-"

Mark started to say but Juni Interrupted him irritated "so what,I have appointments everyday"

"It's not just any appointment"Mark stayed

"Is it the boss?"Juni asked again sighing

"No"Mark answered

"Then what the hell is it about?!,Talk or Go get me my coffee "

"Charles Wickson requested to meet up with you"Mark finally said

"ohhh"Juni said as he leaned back into his chair before adding "on second thoughts,Get me only coffee,a strong one".