Chapter 11 - A cup of tea

Many thoughts ran through Juni Cartel's unsettled mind as he start thinking of how he could sit across his role model who was his supposed competitor and discuss."what does he possibly want?"Juni mused around that question .

"Does he want Juni to step down or is he coming to brag or offer him advice or to size him up?" Juni's thoughts ran through his mind so fast he couldn't catch a hold of them,he imagined the creases on his face right now as his worries ranged higher starting from the fact that he was about to face something he wasn't prepared for twice in a month.

It's was like the miserable month of the year.

However his thoughts were interrupted when his ever loyal secretary came in with a cup of coffee and a donut ."You should build up your strength for the day"Mark quickly said ,his boyish grin disappearing when he saw the displease on juni's face.

"and also for your promotion ahead" Mark added at that Juni cracked a smile .

That's right, it doesn't matter what the man wanted. The point was that he needed to win the promotion and that he would. With that, Juni made his resolved as he took a sip out of the coffee his secretary had placed on his table. "What's my schedule before I meet with him?"Juni asked without saying his opponent's name knowing how apparent it is for his secretary already.

Mark smiled back and took out his notepad, scrolling through. "Well, here. You are to meet with the printing team but.." with a pause ,Mark adjusted his recommended glasses before continuing "you are to meet with them by 2pm which is after your meeting with Mr Charles which you agreed to at 10am which means your morning hours are free"

"Oh well, that's great then" Juni acknowledged before adding "For now, Go get me a suitable gift for a great editor who isn't me " he instructed and a smiling secretary uttered a "Yes boss" as he bowed playfully and headed out ,closing the door behind him.

Juni, leaning down in his chair ,taking a bite of his well-nourished donut ,looked out the window as his wristwatch read 9:01am.

10am came late to a anxious Juni though he had made his resolve about what the day holds.

Some minutes past 10am .he heard Mark say "He's expecting you, go in sir"

Juni readied himself, seating upright on his chair with one of their Angela Mandela's book open in front of him, he tightened his tie as the door opened revealing a middle aged man of 45years,grinning and coming in was Juni Cartel's favorite editor, role model and supposed opponent ,Charles Wickson

Dressed in a green stripped white shirt, Rolex watch and reeking of cologne with a boyish grin on his face just like Mark, Juni took in the man's appearance as he himself displayed a casual smile of his standing up to shake hands with the man in front of him.

"It's a great honor to finally meet with you sir" Juni said as they shook hands while the 55 year old returned the compliment "Likewise here, I have heard a lot about you"

They both took their seats in the little reception booth that Juni had set up in his office for semi formal meetings.

"All good things, I hope" Juni replied

"Of course, are there bad things I should hear of?" Charles asked jokingly

"No, of course not" Juni said hurriedly not willing to give his role model a bad impression of him this early.

"Would you like some coffee?" he inquired

"No, no ,Im actually here to see the branch manager but thought it would be rude to pass by my rival's office without offering a greeting" Charles answered chuckling

Juni chuckled wondering for a moment of what the man might want with the branch manager feeling at ease with man suddenly before saying "Sorry, I should have come see you sooner"

"Yeah, but all is well and good, lets meet sometimes to share strategies over a cup of tea or coffee if you want" Charles offered casually though they both knew it was serious

Surprised is an understatement to what Juni Cartel felt, Here was his opponent, the best editor might he mention feeling to share strategies with him, he felt ashamed of his previous thoughts and how worried he was.

"No problem, sire" He managed to utter back as the 55 year old editor stood up to leave

"Well, I should get going, I wouldn't want to be late for a meeting with Clara" The aged editor said

Juni smiled in understanding as they shook hands wondering just what the relationship between the editor and branch manager was.

Just as Charles Wickson left the office, Juni smiled in relief as Mark came him and asked "so, how was it?" knowing it went quite well with the relived smile on Juni's face.

"Exchange the gift you bought for the most expensive Rolex watch and send it to Mr Wickson's office ahead of him ,plus schedule a tea meeting with Charles Wickson for Friday" Juni said with a grin

"I guess it was perfect" Mark said smiling back at his boss.