Chapter 25 - Such a drag

"Im on my way,be ready to go"

Juni mused around with the wordings in his head as he drove along the avenue which led to the young author's penthouse .he felt like something was awfully wrong with the day but he just couldn't figure it out.

Why the hell couldn't he tell Carmen about the dinner appointment?

That thought stayed behind to haunt him as he parked into.the hotel parking lot and proceeded to call Angela so she could know that he was around.

Minutes later,she appeared from the door way looking breathtaking in clothes moderate which included trousers and a turtle neck.Juni sighed and hit his head on the wheel "what the fuck were you thinking,Cartel? breathtaking?!you are freaking kidding me,you are fucking married to the the hottest woman on the planet"

At that thought,he smiled and then felt another part of him think "it's normal,just because you are married doesn't mean you are blind,you should know when a woman is beautiful and Angela Mandela is a living epitome of beautiful".

"Okay that's it,she's beautiful and shut up!" He cautioned himself but he had been so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't see her standing there beside the car knocking on his window.

When he noticed,he quickly snapped out in a daze and opened his car door to get the passenger door for her.

"Good morning" he barely muttered out as he was a bit too embarrassed ,but she smiled brightly as she accepted the offer and made to sit in the car as she said "Good morning to you too,Mr Cartel and thanks".

"No problem at all, ma'am" he said as he made his way back to the side of his car "okay,we are back to being formal,that's a good sign and just what I needed"

He sighed in relief bringing the car to life,he drove out the parking lot and as soon as she was done clipping her seat belt in place,she turned to him to ask noticing how awkward the silence was

"So where are we going?"

"Ohh,right huh,to get a full grip.of the case,we are going to report your ex to the police,and ofcourse handover your phone as evidence that he has been threatening you with texts and all,with that,he will seem as a bad example and threat to your son that he would possibly be given a restriction order. No court would ignore that,you will get custody without a final trial"he explained

"Oh right,but are you sure that could keep him away?"she asked looking worried

She seemed so shaken up at the idea that he turned his head to smile at her to reassure her "I will make sure it does".

She smiled back and muttered "thanks".

Then the car went silent again but now not so awkward but still,she tried to make conversation "so huhm.."


"You seemed off like in a daze earlier,I had been at your car window for minutes before you snapped out of it,is something wrong?".

"No,I was just thinking about somethings,sorry to worry you"he replied

"I worry because I kind of see you as a friend now,Mr Cartel since you are helping me out so much.i hope you don't mind"

Friendly but in a formal way,okay that he could live with,he thought as he smiled "Well,I have a lot of things going on in my life right now so it's actually just normal for you to see me that way"

"Ohhh.. okay,do you want to talk about..-?"she was asking but got interuppted as Juni pulled into the station

"We are here".he said

"Okay" and the morning talk was forgotten as they got out and went about the procedures of reporting her ex and as predicted by his wife ofcourse "her cell phone was taken as evidence"

They were done in about an hour later , the walkclock in the police station chimed "10am" as they walked out the door

"Thank you so much for today,Mr Cartel"She said as soon as they got to.the car

"No,it's fine,I was just being a human"

She chuckled at that before replying"if only all humans were like you…"

"I know right,the world would be a better place" he joked and he ended up chuckling right along with her as he reached to car door for her.she stopped him in his tracks

"Nah,my manager is on his way,I need to get a new phone and also get some things done"

"Ohh, well,I was -" he tried to say

"Its fine,thanks and aren't you already like late for work?" She asked

He ruffled his hair "Oh right..yeah"

Technically,Juni wasn't late for work,after all, without Angela signing the contract,he had no future without his promotion.

They chuckled at his expression and soon enough,a car cruised in to reveal a strange quite young unfriendly face to Juni who scanned him up and down but then beamed at Angela

"Shall we?"

"Don't be rude,Stephen, here meet Mr Cartel,the editor for Clements that i told you about and Mr Cartel,meet my unruly manager, Stephen."

Juni chuckled as he held out a hand to the guy who shook his hands too hard

"Okay,that's it ,shall we go now ,Angela"Stephen said as he held out the passenger door of his car open for her

"You are unbelievably jealous"she chuckled as she proceeded to get in,she added "thanks once again,Mr Cartel,and see you around,I will contact you soon"

"Yeah,we will"Stephen added frowning as he drove out of the station

Juni blew out a breath as he ruffled his hair "well that's that"


Parking into the allocated space to him in the company parking lot,Juni made to make his outfit proper,brushed his hair,adjusted his tie and dusted his coat jacket then grabbed his suitcase.

He smiled at a rather too silent bellboy and then sighed as he saw his rather beaming secretary

"So…"?Mark inquired as Juni sighing, flopped on his office chair

"How was it?"he added when he saw that the hardworking editor wasn't responding on time

"Well,today was successful, hopefully,by Thursday,we should have a signed contract on our hands,have you gotten approval back from.the headquarters?"Juni asked

"Yeah"Mark replied

"Attach it to the file and send it to me,we can't send it to her yet,she needs to get through tomorrow "

"Okay boss"

"Get me a cup of coffee".

This is such a drag