Chapter 27- What the day holds(2)

"who knows what the day holds?"

If only Juni Cartel knew what was coming to him that day, he would have reconsidered some memories but alas that wasn't possible

Standing there with his hands in his pockets as he stared out the windows,he wondered what he would be doing by this same time, same day next week.

Would he already be in his new office with Mark's desk right across his or would they still be packing up his stuff from his soon to be old office? He wondered what the look on his branch manager would be? But then a little side of him wondered what would happen if his opponent also wins on his side, what would happen?

What if they decide the man had more experience than him and gave it to him ? He shook his head quickly . No, then he would sue company, he still had the terms and conditions plus after all his wife was a lawyer and she would be damned than see her husband get cheated when the law exists. He chuckled at the thought and prayed it didn't come to that.

His phone buzzed just as the wall clock in his office chimed 12pm

It was a call and strangely enough,it was from Angela .He picked up immediately and proceeded to go sit down in his chair swirling around.her over joyful voice boomed through

"Heyy,Mr Cartel!!.."

"Good afternoon ,Ms was the tri..-"he was saying but then got interrupted

" It was successful,I got my boy back,I got him back and my ex was given a firm restriction order but asked to send child support monthly even though I didn't request for it.Im so so grateful .so so grateful"

"It's nothing,I have a son too and I know how it would feel if he was to be taken from me which I hope would never happen"

He replied

" Angela,let's go"Juni heard someone say in the background

"Just a minute.." Angela replied to whoever that was but she cleared the air as her voice cane through again.

"Sorry,that was my manager."

",Oh ,it's fine"

"By the way,Mr Cartel,would you like to have dinner with me at home tonight,I'm kind of celebrating this success with a few friends ,my manager and nanny.."She offered

He was about to decline when she added " and also, could you bring over the contract,updated or not,after the party,I'm signing it".

The widest grin appeared on Juni's face as he replied hurriedly

"Ofcourse, ofcourse,I will be there"

"Ok, thanks.starts by 8pm,by early"

" Angela…"The voice boomed in the background again

" Ok..ok , coming..sorry Mr Cartel,got to go now.see you there"

"Sure" he replied and the line went dead.

Before his conscience could nag him ,the editor sent his wife a quick.text "Dinner with Angela at 8pm,I will be home soonest though"

" Ok great"he muttered to himself " and now.."he dialed with.the land phone and Mark came in beaming

"I'm fucking getting promoted , Beyonce"

"I always knew that" Mark replied smiling as Juni smiled back at him

" Print the contract documents again ,put it in a folder and bring it to me"Juni instructed

" Yes boss" Mark replied curtly .