chapter 42- Suicide

Juni walked down the road across the bar , ignoring the incessant calling out of his name .His phone vibrated quite a few times in his pocket but he really was in no mood to answer it as he took short strides.

Drunk and stressed out, he began trekking with no destination in track.

Edna was a good cheer up who made him forget his problems for a while but he couldn't run from them forever,he thought.

Speaking of Edna "oh shit" he muttered to himself,he couldn't even get her digits to keep in touch and he doesn't have her fulll name either to search with,it's been a while since he found someone willing to be his friend despite his attitude and bluntness except his wife ofcourse.

"Wait what if Edna was not real but just an angel God sent to keep an eye on him"Juni sighed and facepalmed himself at the thought.

"Angels don't have boyfriends,do they" he thought and chuckled to himself "she knows his name, she really wants a Friend ,she would contact him ,after all she's a reporter,isn't she?"

he had only been keeping up a cheerful appearance throughout the week because he didn't want to affect others that care about him but the day's events had broken him. The person who had falsely accused him was making her way to the top and he had to watch or see that. It was like his dreams were crushed all over again

"To be very honest, I'm tired" he thought out loud taking a stand while resting against a bridge rail which was over water.

"What am I going to do?" He thought aloud again and said resting more forward on the rail, it was so dark that he didn't notice he wasn't there alone.

"Hey there man, don't kill us with your depression here, jump off if you want to already" a voice camte to him from his right

" Huh.. no, I'm not - "Juni was saying

while turning to his left to see an the outline of an aged man, the air reeked of cigarettes and his face came into view just as a car zoomed by and lighted up the area with it's headlights.

"You were not about to jump off but you are a bridge rail muttering to yourself at 10pm"the old man said sarcastically

" Huh what? " That seemed to bring Juni back to reality and make him sober, "was it that late already?" He thought and quickly brought out his phone to check the time and sure enough

There it was displaying 10:18pm,right under it were 35missed call notifications with 80messages

25 from his wife and 10 from Mark and the messages were all from his wife

"Babe,I heard about what's going on"

"Are you at home or at the office?"

" Knowing you,you are probably at the office not doing anything wrong right?"

"Do you want to get dinner later today?"

" The nanny can take Derek for a sleepover and we can make it a date night"

" What do you think?"

" Hey babe"

" Please ,I'm worried"

" I know you are not feeling good right now but I'm here for you okay"

" I will be waiting here for you"

Those seemed to have sent in the afternoon

But the others came at night


"Is something wrong?"

"Call me when you see this"

" Juni are so dead okay"

" Please babe"

" I called Mark too, he's not picking up"

" I'm on my way to the company"

" Are you still there or at home?"

" Please don't do something stupid"

" My phone will be dead soon"

" Please call me if u can see this"

And so on were the worried messages and in between were also threats.

Juni sighed

"OMG, I'm so going to get it tonight, probably shouldn't go home huh? "

" Hey, give me your phone before you jump off" the voice which had been quiet for quite a while came back on

This frustrated Juni


The next sound Juni heard suprised him as the man's laughter rang off the bridge

"What, why are you laughing?" Juni asked obviously upset

" I have seen so many people , tired and ready to give up without a worry in the world, but you, you are different. You might not want to jump off this bridge but there's a part of your mind that seems to want to , yet the bigger part of you is worried about the ones that you love. "The man stated

" Huh, I don't think I understand a word of that"Juni replied into the darkness

" You probably can't, you should head back to them now, see you later" the man said and Juni saw the outline of the man stand up and move off into the darkness

"I will not be seeing you later but thanks old man" Juni muttered and made his way down the road .

"Taxi" he called out stopping a cab as he got to a main road

"Where to?" The man at the steering wheel asked

"Home" Juni stated melancholy and stared out the window with a smile

"Home?" The driver questioned

"Yes" Juni replied

"I'm not your brother, you know" the driver said quite curtly , obviously annoyed

"What?what do you mean?" Juni questioned right back wondering why the man was acting strange.quite the irony when he was the strange one

"Where's Home?you can't just say home and expect me to drive you?where to?"the driver explained irritatedly

That snapped Juni out of his melancholic world "oh, jeez I'm so sorry, Darkla Avenue"

"Hmmm" the driver grunted and pressed down on the accelerator to get back on the road.

Juni stared out the window wondering how to the situation on ground well, currently only two people can explain ,One was his wife,Carmen

Juni smiled to himself"bad option",that leaves Mark and he didn't hesitate to call Mark who picked up before it rang thrice

"Hey boss,where have you been?Mrs Cartel has been worried"

"Hey Beyonce,is she there?"Juni whispered into the phone

" Stop whispering,it's no use plus she's not here,she went home ,she said she would go to the police by morning if you are not and also inform me. Where were you?I was worried too"

Juni sighed and held his forehead "I can see that, didn't know it was that serious,I'm heading home already though,should I be worried?she didn't buy a gun when she left,did she?"Juni asked chuckling nervously

Mark replied indifferent " well,I wouldn't know if she did but well if she did,I guess I will come see you in the hospital boss,I have got to go,I need to call her not to worry that you are already on your way home because I know you won't do that or did you?"

" No…but Hey Beyonce,tats no way to talk to your boss,did she really buy…-"Juni was saying then the call went dead

Juni tried again but it said the number was busy on another call

"Damn that Beyonce,I should have fired him when I had the chance"he said aloud and smiled to himself

" The people in my life"

Juni sighed.


" We are here.your fee is $246.24 cents"the taxi driver called to him after turning into the Avenue

"Thanks,I will get down" Juni offered him his card to swipe,then got down from the cab after getting back his card and watched the taxi zoom off

Taking a deep breath,Juni Cartel turned towards the directions of his house and started taking long strides towards it.

He had previously wanted to prolong his arrival but then he didn't want to become a legal missing person just he made his resolved,the faster ,the better he gets this over.

"Hey babe" Juni said dragging his words upon seeing the scene of his wife arms around her as she paced the sitting room like a tiger with him as the prey

However,she just stood there glaring at him ,when he saw no reply forthcoming,he continued

"Babe..I ," he tried to say but found himself stammering

"Babe.." he tried again but he was interruppted

"Don't babe me ,Juni ,I was so worried about you ,damn it,I was ready to stomp down to the police station already"she said her voice shaking

" Babe ,it's still 11pm but I'm really sorry to have made you worried for real,I have just have a really rough day"Juni said looking at the.clock on the wall

"I know and that's why I was so worried,I thought..I thought.."she tried to speak out but her voice failed her as tears rolled down her face.

It broke Juni's heart to see her that way,he has been the cause for her tears again and it was tearing at him.

"Babe.." he dragged out and moved over to her and tried to pull her closer to him but she pulled away holding her nose

She heaved a breath "you were drinking?" She asked like she couldn't believe it

"Just a bit" Juni replied with a nervous smile as he ruffled his hair slightly

"You smell like a brewery ,Juni" She stated

" Sorry…"Juni trailed off

" Just clean up and come to bed,it's been a long day ,you can tell me all about it tomorrow"she said as she cleared the tears trailing down her face, composed her self and proceeded up the stairs

"I love you Carmen" he muttered out but he didn't reply which led him to believe she didn't hear until she was about to turn a corner up the stairs

"I will love you , tomorrow Juni not today" she said and was gone from his sight