Chapter 43 - I will love you

"I will love you, tomorrow Juni, Not today"

The words rang like a terrible nightmare subtitles in Juni's turbulent minds through the night until he fell asleep next to her

Juni woke up on that Saturday morning to the shrilling sound of the alarm as it chimed 5am, he groaned a bit and turned slightly on the bed to face the posture of his sleeping wife who apparently had tried to put more space between them as the bed space between them was a lot obvious.

Letting out another groan, he made to sit up rubbing his eyes slowly in order to strain them clearly, Carmen shifted slightly in her sleep by the sound movements and turned to the other side

"I guess old habits never die" Juni thought with a sigh as he saw the time displayed on his face when he tapped the screen, he put it down back on the lampstand and planted his legs on the floor of the room while still sitting on the bed

"ohh jeez" Juni dragged out as the previous day events came rushing back, not only had he made scene at the company and also did bad things he didn't even want to think off, he had drunk like a drunkard leaving a worried wife in the dark who had gotten so frustrated with him that she had him ignored all night.

Dragging his feet along, he moved towards the bathroom to prepare for the day and was so caught in his thoughts about what Carmen's last words could mean "was she tired of him or did he really annoy or worry her so much that she stopped loving him?" his worried mind ran amok as he shook his head hurriedly as if to rebuke the negative thoughts and closed the door behind him just as Carmen Cartel opened her eyes and let out a breath.

The water hitting the ground as it trickled down Juni's body prevented him from hearing his wife close the bedroom door behind her as she headed down the stairs to get ready for the day, twenty minutes later, Juni was back in the room and noticed the absence of his wife whom he had left sleeping

"Oh she's up already?" Juni asked himself to note it aloud and made to pull on shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt, after all it was a Saturday morning then bounded down outside the room. And for the first time in quite a while, he made a stop at Derek's room which was right in front of theirs but on noticing the empty bed, he remembered Carmen had mentioned it in her messages that Derek was off somewhere else for the night. he sighed, shut the door and made his way down the stairs which led directly to where the kitchen came in sight. He had a breath taking view of his wife in the kitchen in her nightgown bent down to grab a container under the kitchen table, he had met Carmen in college when she was 21 and her beauty had blown him away at first time so much that even now, it was still breath taking.

"The years have been really good to you, my love" Juni blurted out without thinking when he got downstairs with a permanent smirk on his face as he kept checking her out even when she stood up to face him, first with a blank face but she just couldn't keep up as her lips formed into and amused smile and her face lit up at the compliment. " Good morning to you too, Mr Juni Cartel" She said with an amused tone

"Morning sweetheart" Juni offered back as he moved closer to her slightly grabbing her softly at the shoulders and then leaned down to blow hot air on her neck and nibble quite softly, Carmen leaned slowly into the affection then pulled away abruptly later with a slight frown

Juni groaned at the lack of body warmth against him" why. jeez, you really know how to make a man crave for you?" he ended with a smile though watching as he brewed both of them coffee

"Well, that's a first, didn't know a man could crave me when my own husband doesn't seem tomcat least not anymore "Carmen said nonchalantly as he continued with her task of brewing coffee

Juni was taken aback at the accusation but quickly caught himself and tried to make the situation at least better "l always craves you, babe"

"Really?" Carmen asked, her back still to him but she could feel him moving closer though

"Yeah. really and I love you, you know that right?" Juni asked as he put his hands on where they had previously been before she shook him off and then proceeded to knead the area softly

"Yeah, I guess I do know" Carmen replied with a smile and she leaned into her husband's comforting arms as she let out a sigh

"You still love me right?" Juni asked with a less audible voice as if he feared what her answer could be, Carmen smiled and then turned around in his hands to face him while wrapping her arms around his neck as his eyes looked down at her expectantly and hopefully

"We wouldn't be in this position if I didn't" she paused and then continued "but just so you know, I will always love you, Juni" she concluded with the use of his name just to indicate that she was serious about it then made to plant a full kiss on his lips with hers

Juni's signature boyish grin came into view as he lifted her up while she chuckled lightly and then proceeded to place her on the kitchen counter before greeting her lips with his one more time "Ï am glad" he finally let out after they came up for air.

Carmen smiled right back at him before saying "we don't want the socket, do we?" she asked gesturing to the socket where a toaster was plugged to

"we could" Juni replied with a smirk still holding her in place but then let go with a chuckle when she glared at him

"Okay, okay shawty "he said with a chuckle as she glared at him and got down the counter then unplugged the home appliance

"by the way, I stopped back Derek's room earlier and noticed he wasn't in, when do we go pick him up. Would be great to spend some time with him now that I can "Juni noted

"ohh." Carmen let out with a worried look which quickly turned into a surprised one "wow, I'm surprised" she added

"what do you mean?" Juni asked

"You haven't made a stop at Derek's room for quite some time now, you know" she finally pointed out while Juni just shrugged as he took the cup of coffee that was offered to him then said "it's time for change, babe. After all, change is inevitable."

"Well, you just might be right and by the way, the nanny would pick him up and bring him home soon, not to worry "Carmen replied

She chuckled lightly and then added "so calling me shawty and getting drunk was part of change, should I be worried?"

"Juni quickly shook his head as if she was going to rebuke him if he didn't ", not at all. Calling you shawty was just necessary at the moment but.." he paused for emphasis "getting drunk was really ,really wrong .."he was saying then remembered something good that had come out of it which was Edna, speaking of Edna, she still hadn't contacted him, he wondered if there was some hopes of friendship then but then he thought ï don't need a female friend currently snit must be for the best that I can't contact her "Juni cautioned hi self while Carmen just looked on at him with an amused look as she sipped her coffee

"What? "he asked

"I might not like what brought about it but I love the change "She stated and Juni's face lit up with a smile.

They spent the next two hours talking about life totally intentionally ignoring some bad parts of nit ,there was a lot of sexual plays in action but it didn't really go that far until Derek was brought home ,after they all breakfast and Derek and his nanny retired to his room to do his assignments with him, Juni and Carmen remained in their sitting room still trying to catch as they got into a heated make out with carmen and straddling Juni while leaning down to meet his lips with hers as he nibbled quite softly on her lower lips and then moved his hands under clothes to caress her fair soft skin the moved up, inching closer and closer to her chest area where a valley of mounded bosom awaits him with hard pointed nubs. her breath hitched as he moved closer and was just seconds away from touching them when the doorbell rang

"Boss! Boss, you in? its Mark" A voice flowed in from the door as the ringing stopped, Juni groaned while Carmen sighed and got off him then moved towards the door before saying

"It's official, your ex secretary is a cockblock"