Chapter 45 - Why?

"In here, it says you studied Library Science as your major. Mr Cartel"

"Yes, yes "Juni answered less eager as he had always been the one asking questions, starting over was really hard

"And you worked at Clements Publishers for 8 years?"

"Yes, that's a messenger, personal assistant to an editor and finally an editor" Juni answered with a little pride in his tone

"from what I know so far, that company is pretty good and stable, why did you leave?"

The interviewer asked curiously looking at the 31-year-old man in front of him through the lens of his recommended glasses

Juni clenched and unclenched his hands a little bit hesitating before answering

"were you fired? "The man probed

Juni tried to smile slightly not saying a word

"Why?" The interviewer probed and just like every other failed interview Juni had attended throughout the past week, the questions always hit him in the nerve and sends him over the edge

"Why the fuck does that matter?"

The interviewer sighed and closed Juni's CVitae

"I'm sorry, we won't be able to hire you because you lack communication skills refuting what was in your Cv plus you are not qualified for this position due to your Major "The man said harshly but as politely as he could have managed, He couldn't believe the great young best editor of Clements was at his Mercy

Juni laughed bitterly "you were just waiting to say that all along, isn't it? the opportunity for you to step on someone came and you just couldn't let go hhuh? you stupid shit"

"Security...!!!!" The man called out and soon enough, a fuming Juni was dragged out of his seat with his briefcase by security officers who showed him the door

Juni sent an angry glare their way threateningly, while one of them just said "Get lost man "the other smiled and told him a single statement before leaving "you need friends sir."

Friends huh,Juni Cartel thought with a sad smile as he headed to his car which now reminded him of his misfortune, it's now been three weeks since he was fired, He had tried to keep up a cheerful front for his friends and family and only let out his frustration when he was alone, Mark had stepped in as an editor at Clements and had become quite busy that they hadn't talked in a while, He recently heard Angela Mandela was interviewed of why she signed with Clements out of all Publishing companies that helped her out and all she had said was "It just felt like the right thing to do "and after that, she had refused to answer any other questions leaving it to her manger to handle the rest, Carmen was forbidden to work on the case by her boss and Juni had persuaded her not to that he was going to find his path, She frowned at the idea but Juni wanted to be at peace with his mind by not remembering any of the incident. However, he had refused requests from Carmen about talking about it with her dad, he couldn't face his father in-law currently until he found a stable Job, what the old man thought of him was bad enough.

He hit his head severally on the steering wheel before letting out a sigh wondering just why this was happening to him, the cool headed Juni Cartel now had anger issues, the only thing that kept him in check was the thought of his family. He thought about why he didn't just jump off the bridge that fateful day though.

"just why?"