Chapter 46 - Why?(2)

"Juni. are you just going to sleep again?" Carmen whined out with a playful pout

However, Juni was having none of it "I'm sorry carmen but not tonight" he said

This gave way to a frown on Carmen's cartel's face, this is how it has been since Juni was laid off from his job, Carmen who had been expectant of having a little more in their marriage except a few fondles and kisses here and there got disappointed because despite how many times she had initiated a heaty make out, Juni had fought his way out of any of all of it ,Carmen had tried all she could to understand her husband reasons but she was getting tired too which was she wasn't having any of this tonight too

With a smirk on her face, she leaned further into Juni and tried to put her hands under his shirt, moving it slowly in a caress mode however Juni just tried as hard as to move away from her touch

"Carmen." Juni called out in a warning

"Juni." Carmen rolled out seductively

"You need to stop" Juni warned

"You need to stop talking "Carmen replied as she let her hands roam further and put her mouth to use as she trailed kisses down his neck and that was the last straw for Juni cartel who without a second thought to his wife feelings bounded out of bed with his pillow and leaving behind an astounded Carmen Cartel, he closed his bedroom door behind him and directed his feet towards the guest room

Waking up in the guest room the next morning however got Juni the greatest headache ever on how to face his wife but he needn't worry because carmen herself came in herself before he even had a chance to get out of bed

"Good morning, babe" Carmen greeted with a smile as she popped in through the door with a cup of coffee

"Morning to you too, sweetheart" Juni replied with a nervous smile fixed on his face

"Derek is off to school already and I got to go to work soon so I thought you wake you up before that in case you have somewhere you are going to." she replied right back

Juni, though surprised at his wife's suspicious attitude took a well needed sip out of his cup of tea and asked "what time is it, did I sleep that late?"

Carmen shrugged "its 8:30am, Juni and I'm late already" she pointed out by looking at her wristwatch then made to leave as she finished her sentence

"Carmen. About yesterday, I – "he tried to say but was interrupted

"Its fine Juni. I am not bothered anymore; I have to go now. Have a great day ahead "Carmen said with a smile and before Juni could say another word, Carmen was already bounding down the stairs

"Just why did i do that for real? why is this happening to me right now,i need to set my self straight before i lose everything worth living for"Juni cautioned himself with a sigh as he took another sip of his coffee .