Chapter 51 - The way to hell

"Yo man.where you going? even if you want a train ride,you can't get one this late.come back tomorrow yo plus  without a ticket ,you can't get a train ride you know"the ticket collector yelled at the man who was walking away from him however the man in question didn't seem to pay any attention to him as he walked on without even any reaction.

The ticket collector sighed and leaned back to sit in his booth "well,i i did warn him so the rest is definetely not my fucking business"

"heyy,why were you yelling boyd"a young boy who was working part-time at the station asked the ticket collector

"ohh,just a crazy man who doesn't seem to liosten,not to worry,i bet he will be dragged back here in no time,not to worry"Boyd replied as he pulled out a pack of cigarretes