
  Sammy was cursing under his breath as he hurried back just so he could clear the huge uneasy feeling he had in his guts, plus wallow over the loss of his own cash for his boss's comfort although that was not the major reasons. he started taking large strides just to hurry back to the station.

"Here boss" he put the beer crate on his boo's table when he got back, the crooked man smiled in a way that seemed creepy to Sammy as he offered a forced smile back in return as he then turned to leave

"hey Sammy" the man called out

"yes boss" he replied and tuned back to face him

"here" the man said offering him the previous dollar bills he had previously retracted

Sammy's forced smile turned real as he collected the stash and headed out, he sighed as he exhaled cold air and strapped his bag over his shoulder. He hailed a cab but the uneasy feeling just wouldn't go away, as his wristwatch displayed 1:34pm .