
"Then which is it Edna? Tell me. Because I know how you feel about me. I see the way you look at me when I come into your office. The way your eyes dart about my every move and the way you lick your lips when I talk to you. I know how you feel about me Edna so don't you try to deny it."

"Look Juni, I do, I mean I did like you but not anymore. I'm over you now and I want to keep it that way. I don't want to keep having fantasies about something that I know will never happen so please let go of my hand."

Letting go of Edna's hands, Juni slumped back in his chair feeling defeated. He had just embarrassed himself in front of Edna and if not so, lost the respect she had for him.

He packed the take away plates he ate his lunch with leaving only the fruit salad on her desk and went to open the door.