The Morning After

Edna couldn't imagine she would ever hear the sound of Ralia's voice ever again.

She suddenly remembered how much she missed Ralia and how she had been drinking just to forget all about her but it seemed like nothing was working

She sat near the counter, her faced down as she tried to remember the last time she saw Ralia's face. It hadn't been too long since the last time she saw her but it seemed so.

Her running thoughts however were interrupted by the sound of Frank's surprisingly loud snoring which came from behind the couch where he lay.

She got down from chair, heading towards where Frank lay to make sure the sound she heard was really coming from him.

She was shocked when she met the drunk half-wake, half-sleeping Frank and a bottle of empty scotch on the floor right next to him.

She sighed. "You just had to finish the whole thing, didn't you Frank?"