Only Me

It was closing time already but Edna still wasn't done with what she was doing. Some would wonder what she actually did all day on her office, it's not like she owned a big firm that required much paperwork and more employees to supervise.

No, it was just a small bookstore. Even as small as it was, Edna still got worked up every single day she went there. Blair went home early to her mom who still had stroke and Juni stayed back a bit till it was closing time before he made to leave.

"Hey, you still have the book I gave you, right?"

"Yeah, I still do. Do I need to give it back after reading it?"

"No, it's all yours. Do with it as you wish."

"Okay, thanks."

"You're good in here right? Or do you need me to help you with anything?"

"No. I'm just finishing up a letter I want to send to the firm."

"Is it about the books?"

"Yeah, I want to tell them that I got it."

"Remember the ones you were meant to take to the library."