In the Air

"Ralia please stop, I don't know what it is you're trying to do but, I don't like it."

"What am I doing? I just asked you a harmless question, nothing more."

Edna listened to Ralia while she brought both sides of the burglary proof to lock it up. She double checked to see if the doors were properly secured by the burglary proof before facing Ralia.

"Why were you rubbing your finger on my face then?"

"I did that because you had a black smudge on your face. Jeez Edna! You need to loosen up a bit."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I guess I judged too quickly."

She felt so stupid now for misinterpreting Ralia and wished she the ground would open up and swallow her instantly.

She suddenly extremely tired and dizzy now from all working and typing she did at the store before getting her feet almost pulverized by the book shelf.

"Ouch my head."

"Are you okay Edna? What's the matter?"

"I'm fine. It's just a migraine."