The letter (2)

"I never said I didn't feel anything for Edna and I'm sure I wasn't trying to hide it either."

"That was pretty bold of you to say."

"What is?"

"That you're gay. A lot of people would like to keep theirs a secret and try to avoid conversations about it."

"Well, I'm not a lot of people, am I?"

"Yeah, you aren't but you do remind me of someone I once knew."

"Really huh, and who could that be?"

"A cousin of mine, a guy, he was killed recently."

"I'm sorry about that."

He heaved a sigh before he continued.

"Yeah, he was shot. Took three bullets to the chest. No one could have survived that anywhere. You know, I knew him since I was a kid. His parents both died when he was little and my parents took him in. And as an only child then, I was so psyched that I was finally going to have someone to play with. Little did I know that one day he was going to be reported dead."