Frank, Please

Edna felt like she was in some kind trance and she couldn't wake up. Her eyes kept opening and closing at the same time, only that once they opened again, she saw a different person sitting right in front of her. There were noises too, sometimes loud, other times, she heard people talking or shouting.

You gave her too much! Now she won't wake.

 No one told the quantity to give her. How was I supposed to know that I was giving her more sedative than she required! You could have been the one to give her then!

When she finally woke up, she saw Frank on a chair right in front her. She stared hard to know it he was really the one and it was. His face lit up when he saw that Edna had finally woken up. She tried struggling out of the chair but her hands and feet were tied around the chair, preventing her from moving.

"You can't get out Edna. You're practically tied to it. Any form of movement will send you falling which might get you severally wounded."