New Worlds, New Life

Ajei woke up and saw his clothes changed differently. He wore simple clothes like a plain white shirt, jeans, fingerless gloves, red shoes, and he noticed that he was slightly older and he knew as he went to a nearby pond and saw a reflection of himself as a 16 year old wherein the real world he was 15 so he was aged one year older when he wanted to be seventeen but decide it was ok. Ajei then saw his new weapon and a note noted 'God' Ajei chuckled and read the note "don't waste this chance Mr. Ajei" -from God. Yeah typical from God himself Ajei had thought and looked at his katana. It had a red and black sword hilt and the blade was like a samurai sword And Ajei pressed a button on the bottom of the sword hilts and it transforms into an M1A4 rifle "heh got my own sweetheart. I'll call you Martha One-Alpha 4" Ajei named a freaking gun that sounded complicated. Ajei walks through the forest when he heard growls and roars and sees Beowolves "man already Grimm want a quick snack" Ajei said and readied his sword. A Beowolf tried to devour Ajei but he slashed his bottom jaw and turned to ash. Ajei smirks as he downed another with a quick slash and another slash cutting him like a pizza. The Grimm growl in anger and charged at him with full force. Ajei smiles and transformed his sword into the M1A4 rifle "taste some dust you Grimm scum" as he pulled the trigger and red fire dust bullets came hailing at the Grimm who growled and screeched in agony while Ajei was laughing like a maniac "hahahahhahahahahha take that you scum!" Ajei yelling unaware that he was attracting some people to his location.

Unknown Pov

A white haired man and a blonde woman were watching Ajei through the cameras they put around the forest and wondered about him "I didn't see him during the dropoff of the new students" the blonde woman said and pushed her glasses. The man was watching Ajei with awe "whoever he is, he shows some potential Glynda. See it to that we recruit him after the initiation" the man commanded Glynda "Ozpin. We don't know of him! He could be just some psychopath-" but Ozpin didn't show such worry in his eyes "he won't. Just see to it done Glynda" Ozpin said again and she left.

Back to Ajei and Unknown Pov

A black haired with red tips girl and a white haired girl saw Ajei finished the Grimm as he looked at the dead Grimm "who is this boy? I didn't see him during the launching Ruby" the white haired girl said and the other girl was interested in the boy's gun and his origin "his gun is so cool. Where did he come from? Is he good? Is he nice? Or is he a registered student?" Ruby had questions in her head as Ajei transformed his rifle to a sword "so cool. Did you see his weapon, Weiss?" Ruby asked her friend who stood quiet and Ruby was going to meet him when called out "I can hear you girls from that little old bush. Might as well come out and show yourselves" Ajei said and the two girls were shocked. This boy sensed the girls and they came out expecting him to tie them up but what Ajei did was unexpected "Hello Ruby. Hello Weiss. I'm Ajei...*thoughts. damn it I need to make up a last name* the names Blackbourne" Ajei improvised the situation "wow Ajei couldn't come up with a better last name idiot" Ajei ranted himself when Ruby and Weiss shook his hand "hi Ajei. We are pleased to meet you. It's nice to know that someone knows their manners" Weiss said while she glared at Ruby who looks down in sadness "ok now please Weiss don't go belittling Ruby here. It's not nice to be mean to one beautiful girl to another beautiful girl" Ajei said and the two blushed "oh uh thank you Ajei" Ruby thanked him and pushed her two index fingers together like Hinata in Naruto "cute" Ajei thought and he saw that he was around the initiation timeline in RWBY "hey how about i help you and Weiss to get the chess pieces together. That way we can help each other and get to know each other well enough" Ajei said and the girls nodded "that sounds like a good idea" Weiss said and they decided to follow Ajei with no regard for his origin "I wonder where his family lives?" Weiss wondered and Ruby was chatting with Ajei as the two were talking about guns and weapons. Ajei sounded like an expert when it came to dust, semblance, aura, and the world of Remnant since he studied the shows culture and its people. Ruby liked Ajei since he was seen as a kind guy and that he sounded like a pro when it came to weapons.

Somewhere on an open field

A blonde girl with a few people as a cat Faunus. Orange haired girl, black haired boy, red haired girl, blonde haired boy, and the rest of eventually Teams RWBY and JNPR as they saw Weiss, Ruby, and Ajei in view "hey Ruby! Hey Ice Princess!"  A blonde girl said to them as she notices Ajei "ooo hey there handsome what's your name cutie?" Yang asked Ajei "you must be Yang. Ruby told me about you. I have to say you are one looker to look out for since those gauntlets of yours bring up the party" Ajei commented on Yang who blushes "hey um guys as much as we like to chat. We have a huge problem on our hands" as Jaune said when a Nevermore flies to them "I'll take care of this" Ruby said and went towards it "Ruby" Yang yelled but Ruby went impulsively.

Ruby then gets pinned by the Nevermore's feathers and a huge scorpion approaches to her and raises its tail "Ruby" Yang yelled but then suddenly Ajei runs towards Ruby and the next Ruby opens her eyes to see Ajei holding the tail by one hand "you Grimm shall die for trying to hurt Ruby!" Ajei yelled and fired his rifle at the scorpion and then fired his gun at the Nevermore just enough for Ajei to carry Ruby as he runs And yells to the others "run laddies" as they ran and Ajei threw a grenade from his pockets as he looked and felt around the sphere and threw another one.

Later at the Academy

"Due to the current circumstances, Ajei will be a one man team who'll be assisting teams on their missions and training since his semblances being over the top overpowered. Ajei Blackbourne, welcome to Beacon Academy" Ozpin said and motioned him to go with him to talk "we need to talk Ajei" Ozpin said and both went after the assembly. Ajei thought to himself "this is going to be an interesting year" Ajei said and smirked at the situation.

To be Continued....