Discussion with Mr. Ozpin

Ozpin's office

Ajei and Ozpin sat down and began their secret conversation " I take it that you don't even know where you are Mr. Blackbourne" Ozpin said and sipped his coffee "no I have a good idea that I'm in Vale aka Remnant as I speak right Mr. Ozpin" Ajei told Ozpin who raised an eyebrow "smart. You at least know where you're at Mr. Blackbourne" Ozpin commented "please Ajei is just fine" Ajei insisted he is called by his first name "what I'm going to tell you is extremely confidential and secret, so I'm going to say it. I come from a universe such as this but with no Grimm, Faunus, aura, and semblance, or weapons capable of turning into melee weapons"  Ajei said his secret "in other words, you came from another world?" Ozpin said as Glynda approached Ajei and asked him "how did you came here and ended up in the forest during the initiation?" Glynda asked Ajei with a sensitive topic "I rather not talk about it Ms. Glynda. It's just too sad to talk about" Ajei lowered his head and Glynda decided not to dig in further into his past life "as a one man team, you can do as you wish since you seem to possess intelligent enough to pass and graduate" Ozpin giving Ajei basically his free pass to all classes "yeah but what about the people who'll get the wind of my privileges?" Ajei asked a mounting problem "tell them that I gave you the free will to do whatever it is you need to do" Ozpin told Ajei as he gets up to leave "Mr. Ajei!" Ajei turns and catches a scroll from Ozpin "you'll need it to get used to this new world" Ozpin said and smiled. Ajei nods and left. Glynda then asked Ozpin about him "I wonder what happened to him that caused him to lower his gaze?" She asked him "it's best if we let Ajei decide to tell us the truth when he's ready to tell it" Ozpin said and sipped his coffe.

Let's Dorm

Ajei had his bed ready and was reading a book about Grimm and the Faunus. Ajei was fascinated with the faunus and their history since Blake was a cat Faunus and for some reason, Ajei couldn't place the feeling of wanting to be with her- wait is he falling in love with Blake? No he knew that they just met and why would he have these feelings Ajei thought and decided to play along with his emotions.

Ajei places the book on the nightstand and went out for a walk. Ajei had enhanced hearing and enhanced sensory abilities. Ajei wore the new attire that he brought which he bought a few clothes and did a little costume making with the clothes he got and turned simple clothes into this:

Ajei made a black camo jacket and pants as his scarf, hat and headset were just used to make him more emo looking despite he himself isn't like one of a goth looking, kids. His two dual pistols are called "The Twin Soul Pistols" which he named it since he had the likings of having two personalities in one body.

Ajei could sense a person following him and Ajei just dumbly found out it was late at night as he said and stopped his walking "Ms. Goodwitch. I hope I'm not breaking any rules right now" Ajei said and turned around.

Glynda stopped and had a straight stoic face "yes the rule was that all students are to be in their dorms by bedtime" Glynda said while looking at Ajei with interest "why wear all black attire Mr. Blackbourne?" Glynda asked him and he chuckled "black is my favorite color and black represents for me anyway my 2nd personality" Ajei said and his eyes turn from brown to crimson red "w-wha- how did you change your eye color Mr. Blackbourne?" "as I said, I have a second personality inside me that resides deep inside my very body Ms. Goodwitch" Ajei told Glynda in an adult voice rather than his normal teen voice "who are you then? Some sort of a god?" Glynda asked and shook a little like she was about to pee on her knickers "well I am half human half godlike if you want to put it that way" Ajei said and turned himself back to his normal self "I'll just go back to my dorns and-" but Glynda stops him when she grabbed his arm "I'll let this pass, for now, Mr. Blackbourne but leave your dorm again and a detention will be the last thing you want to have here in this new life. Got it?" Glynda checking if Ajei agreed to her deal "yes Ms. Goodwitch" Ajei replied and went back to his dorm.

Glynda looked at Ajei as he went back to his dorm as Ozpin appeared behind Glynda "he's a rather interesting individual considering that he came from another world. He seems to take it rather calmly than panicking and saddened over the fact that he's gone from his world" Ozpin said and had a hand on Glynda's shoulder "yes but I wonder what made him so calm about the whole situation and still not care if he's not in the right world. What happened to him anyway?" Glynda asked herself and left as Ozpin too left the hallway.

Ajei had been asleep after the talk with Glynda as a shadow looms over his window "he's doing all right for a human. Keep an eye on him boys" a mint green-haired girl ordered his two henchmen who were like Ajei but more fallen like in destiny "yes ma'am me and Frankirk will keep an eye on this boy" the first fallen said as she left "make sure no one hurts the cutie Benexar" (pronunciation Ben-ne-ex-ar) and left to the two scouting fallen on Ajei's window.

To be continued...

Authors note:

The world Fallen I used in this story is the fallen from the Destiny series so please not the fallen angel kind but the scavaging type aliens please. Be aware that I will be making up a lot of weird names and other kinds of imagination fantasy kind of thing in this story because I have a huge imagination for this kind of thing in stories. Thank you and goodbye.