The God and The Snake Mistress

Kazaki and Luni

The group first have to relax since Hikron was hiding and until he showed himself to the authorities, they decided to have some fun in the village. Kazaki and Luni were hanging out with their buds Naruto who was good friends with the two ex-humans "so this Ajei guy is also from the earth right?" Naruto asked "yep it appears he was also unloved in that world" Kazaki said and had his hand on Luni's hand "its no surprise since you 4 are the first 4 humans to be reincarnated to this universe" Naruto said and finished his 26th bowl "um Naruto don't you think that was a tad too many noodles for your body?" Luni worried since Naruto's primary source of food was Raman all the time "Nah Raman is always the best meal for me" Naruto boasted and realized something "oh that got me thinking where's Phantom and this Ajei guy at?" He asked "Phantom went to talk with Sasuke and Sakura about his niece and Ajei I'm not sure Naruto" Kazaki said and stared at his knife.


Ajei was walking around the village when he stumbles on Ino's flower shop "I guess this is her shop. I also have to note that her lover Sai is here so I have to be careful of Ino's sneaky flirting tactics" Ajei said to himself and went inside. There he saw a young lady with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a curvy body that even Ajei blushed "do you happen to know where Ms. Anko may be at?" Ajei looked at Ino who stares at him "no but you can ask Ibiki sensei about her whereabouts why?" She asked as Sai came in "she's currently on the trails on a rogue shinobi west of here" Sai tipped him "great cause I'm going to have a talk with her and introduce to myself to her" Ajei spoke a little bit nonsense and vague to his reasoning and vanished "wasn't he one of the 4 people from Remnant?" Sai asked his lover "yeah and not gonna lie but he's cute just to give him credit" Ino blushed and Sai had a sweat drop on his forehead as he was nervous of her flirty mood.


Phantom was cradling his niece and rocked her softly and slow "she's beautiful Sasuke. What's her name?" Phantom asked happily to Sakura and Sasuke "her name is Sarada" Sakura said and Phantom chuckled "I see that name mixed up from somewhere" Phantom chuckled as the two lovers chuckled with him "hey Phantom how long has Kazaki and Luni been a couple?" Sakura asked and Phantom placed Sarada in her crib "they dated since we came to this universe after 3 weeks after we left earth" Phantom replied "so this Ajei person is he the one where he took his own life?" Sasuke asked Phantom "yes where did you hear that?" Phantom asked "Tsunade sensei told me and I may have told a few more people" Sakura confessed "ah word does travel fast then" Phantom said and said his goodbyes to them.

Sakura and Sasuke then went back to their make out eventually.

Somewhere in the borders on Sand and Leaf

A black haired woman took out a bandit with a kunai, failing to notice a Belo Fallen about to shoot her when a shot killed the fallen and Anko looks at the dead fallen and then heard a voice "well well Anko Mitarashi-san. You proceed with my expectations from all the rumors I heard from the people" as he laughed. Anko pulled out another kunai "show yourself you coward!" She challenged the voice and out of the shadows Ajei appeared and Anko was confused "really? I thought my target was supposed to be much of a challenge" Anko deadpanned was disappointed "oh no I'm not the guy you're looking for but I have him" Ajei snapped his fingers and poof here was Anko's target tied and bound to the teeth "really pathetic this guy tried to do so I'll give you him but on one condition" Ajei smirked.

Anko rolled her eyes and sighed "what is it? It better be not some perverted request or else-" but Ajei said and continued "if you help my team on hunting Hikron that your Hokage called. My teams in town waiting so I wanted to introduce myself in excitement. My name is Ajei Blackbourne at your service" Ajei bowed and said in an elegant voice.

Anko laughed at his antic "you're funny you know. Something tells me that we'll be good friends here" Anko said and swayed her hips towards Ajei. Ajei smirked and Anko pulled Ajei close and made Ajei's hand place on her rear "I have to admit you are cute. Are you taken?" She asked and Ajei winked "not yet" he told her and Anko mashed her lips on Ajei as he had his other hand behind Anko's head and Anko wrapped her arms and legs on Ajei in lust. Ajei fell on his back and continued to make out when she pulled out a sebon needle on Ajei "rule number one: never let a nin mistress seduce you" Anko smirked but felt a barrel against her chest and saw a silenced pistol "oh never I did broke that rule Anko-san. Rule number one: never let your guard down" Ajei advised back to Anko.

Anko liked this young guy already and decided to go with him "I like you already Ajei. How about we discuss this over-" Anko almost about to ask Ajei when he knew what she was about to say "some Dango. Ok no problem" Ajei said and the two started to walk "you took the words right out of my mouth Ajei-Kun" Anko wrapped her arm around Ajei as they took the rogue ninja back to the village for bounty.


Anko and Ajei turned in the shinobi to Tsunade and earned 27,000 Ryou from the bounty and Ajei took Anko to her favorite place to eat dangos. Anko was eating her dangos fast while Ajei only ate 2 stick of Dango before being full "so Ajei what do you want to talk about this Hikron and what exactly my is my role in this hunt?" She asked and Ajei gave her some intel from Tsunade's folder "Hikron once traffic children to a few villages some time ago and thus some of them were killed since they were worried that they were going to expose their secrets to people after they were sent back to their families" Ajei told Anko as she clenched her fists "so he's the guy behind the sharp increase of rogues going to him and that the borders of the village being threatened?" Anko said and asked Ajei who nods and she smirks "i'm in but on one condition" she said and Ajei looked at her with confusion "what condition?" Ajei asked her with interest "you take me out on dangerous again" Anko said and Ajei had a sweat drop on his forehead anime style "is Dango the only thing she eats?" Ajei asked himself why he fell in love with a Dango addict.

To be continued...