The Mission

Ajei, Phantom, Luni, Kazaki, and Anko were standing before Tsunade for the hunt for Hikron "you 5 shall hunt for Hikron. Anko here will Help you with the job since you need help with traveling and interrogation with the enemy should it be necessary. I trust you and your team to bring down Hikron if necessary" Tsunade gave Ajei a wanted poster of Hikron of a bounty of 50,000 Ryou's on his head "thanks Lady Tsunade. We will not fail you my lady" Ajei bowed and the team bowed as they left Konoha.

The Trail

Ajei had decided to let the team rest after a 3 hour walk and Ajei and Kazaki were on watch duty to make sure nothing was bumping in the night on their camping spot. Kazaki was busy sharpening his white knives as Ajei looked at him and asked "do you love Luni Kazaki?" Ajei noticed Kazaki stopped sharpening his knife "yes more than life and myself" Kazaki said nonchalantly  "when?" Ajei sort of smirked "ah since she and I first talked with her after I was released and only talked to her in secret without people knowing I talked" Kazaki as he started to remember the day she and Kazaki became close friends or should I say friendly lovers.

Flashback: A week after he was released

Kazaki Pov.

I hated the fact I was released not because I liked my juvie prison but because I didn't want to have any affiliation with my family, friends, and people my age so I decided to say screw it.

I laid down on my bed I haven't felt in a long time when my mom knocked on the door "sweetie. Breakfast Is ready" she said in a sweet motherly voice but I didn't say anything and opening the door. She looks at me while I ignored her and my older sister looked at me with puppy eyes but I didn't care. I hate everything including my birth family. I go to the table with my so called 'family' and got my share of food and ate fast to get away from them and my family tried to talk to me but I never spoke another word since I was placed in juvenile jail. My dad then called me by my old nickname "hey slugger how are you?" He said trying to start a conversation "............" was all I said and I left the table and left already left to school without my older sister.


I go to the school entrance and see all of my peers talking in the halls as they finally noticed me. They felt sorry about me and for the rest of the first 4 periods people tried to talk to me and apologize to me but I never uttered a word let alone a whisper. My teacher calls me to answer the question "Mr. Kazaki. Would you like to answer this question?" As he pointed a question of which country started the second world war but I sat there quiet whilst everyone was looking at me and some tried to give me the answer but I just chose to be quiet. The teacher looks at me with sympathy and chose another student as the class resumed after that.


I finished eating lunch as I was listening to my iPod music when at the corner of my eyes saw a blue hair girl being picked on by jocks and she tried to get away but the boys blocked her way out and I manage to hear their sick words "come on gorgeous. We can give you a good time" one jock said and the other two grabbed her as I got up and hit the first jock with a karate chop, making him unconscious and the two let the girl up and they come at me but thanks to my endurance of pain and my bit of training from a fellow inmate who trained me in the fighting. I knocked the first with a quick poke at his neck and falls unconscious and the final neck hold until he fell asleep from my strangle as I looked at the girl not caring about the looks and shock from my peers as I help the girl up. She looked cute with her blue hair and she was crying a bit but I patted her head as I leave the cafeteria.

I soon learn from a teacher who called me to the office as the principal thanked me because the girl saved was bullied her entire life and that she just moved to town and the jocks I knocked out were bullying people for a while before I stopped them and are going to be suspended which I was happy on the inside since I lost the ability to show such display of emotions to people. He soon lets me go as I go back to my class as I was sitting next Luni.

I have to admit she is cute with blue hair and clothing she chose. She then talks to me "thank you for helping me. I know you don't talk as much but I just wanted to thank you. My mom told me to show her thanks to you if you know what I mean" she said and was about to turn her attention to the class board when I suddenly talked "names Kazaki Luni. Nice to meet you" Kazaki knew her and had his hand towards him. Luni smiles and shook with his hand and returned their attention to class. Since that day, Luni and Kazaki never left each other's side even when he abandoned his family and his life with her good friend Phantom.


"That's cute Kazaki" Ajei said and readied to sleep "she's everything to me Ajei. She was the only person besides Phantom to care about me and not think about my incident" Kazaki said and told Ajei "I'll watch for the night. I don't even sleep much anyways" Kazaki smiled to Ajei and as he got his knives already sharpened. The group falls asleep while Luni heard the whole thing and was smiling in her sleep knowing that Kazaki shared his feeling for her.


The group woke up and was already at the town they needed to go to take out or turn in Hikron and saw the pier filled with various bandits carrying, putting, and guarding the entire premises "Kazaki, Luni, and Phantom. You'll be sneaking in there while me and Anko will use our snipers to take out the guards on the right side of the pier while I and Anko will focus on the left side" Ajei ordered and got both and Anko armed "ok? Go" Ajei said quietly as the 3 teammates sneaky past the first patrol and into the pier.


I had my mini sword ready as I slash a person who whistles and covered his mouth to prevent any yelling and noise making as Kazaki and Luni snuck pass 4 guys walking around as I quickly hid in the shadows with my shadow manipulation semblance. A thug spots me to my right but a bullet kills him in the head and I saw Ajei saluting me as I did the same and continued to bypass the many thugs.

Kazaki and Luni both were very good at sneaking as they pass over 20 spots of the pier and was close to seeing Hikron's office when a thug had a knife at Luni's neck saying something perverted that ticked Kazaki off bad "hey there hot stuff I'll definitely have a go-" but his mouth was covered and a knife pierced his heart killing him and he hugged Luni "thank you Kazaki" Luni thanked him and he kissed her lips "no problem my blue rose" as Luni blushed and regained their momentum.

Anko and Ajei

Ajei and Anko took out the people who were isolated and were alone as the other 3 members were almost there we Ajei shot another one in the head at the rooftop. Anko seemed to catch up to Ajei's kill streak as she shot a man trying to take a piss at the ocean she shot him clean in the head and he fell on the water, making a lot of noise. Ajei panicked knowing that the dead bodies blood could spread and could alert the entire compound for Hikron.

Phantom saw the kill and had to think fast, so he silently dived into the water and dragged the dead body in the water quietly but had to cover his two bullet holes of the bullet that went past the dead man's head. Small trails of blood were formed on the water as a random thug noticed the blood on the water and was about alert everyone when Kazaki strangled him and hid his dead body in a random cargo box. Kazaki makes a sign thumbs up as a clear sign to advance.

5 minutes later

The group makes it for Hikron to appear with 2 other fallen lords as Ajei identified the other 2 "those are Lords Arashel (Ara-sh-ell) and Lord Bixon (Bixt-on)" Ajei scanned their faces "what ranks are they Ajei?" Luni asked "the first is a B rank and the other is just a C rank in the bingo books" Anko said and Ajei got ready with his dual pistols "on my cue guys" Ajei said making the two girls left out. Ajei sees this and sighs "and girls" Ajei said and they got their weapons ready "1" as the group cocks their guns "2" sounds of guns ready to fire "3" Ajei said and they fired at the 3 bosses as the 2 bosses are dead and Hikron shot some bullets before reinforcements came and fired upon the group. Ajei saw a few fire barrels and he looked at Phantom "you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ajei smirked and Phantom chuckled darkly as he created a dark tentacle and used it to grab a fire barrel and Ajei shot it making the fire spread to the pit it almost went on Ajei's face if he hadn't had his hat on "Phantom stay here! Kazaki! Come with me! We got a target to catch" Ajei said and the others were busy shooting the other thugs.

Outside of the pier

Hikron was running when he was shot in the shoulder and he threw a kunai with a paper bomb and it hit Ajei as the smoke cleared as a shield was in place. Ajei was behind it and he was bleeding from his head. Kazaki tries to help him but Ajei told Kazaki "just get Hikron. I'll catch up" Ajei commanded and Kazaki threw a knife at Hikron who was slowly sneaking away at the knee. He roars in pain and pulls it out and draws his katana and kunai "ok runt lets see what you got bud" Hikron said as his torn shinobi attire was ruined from his fall. Kazaki activates his semblance he called Insanity Drive. Kazaki's eyes turned crimson red as he smiles from ear to ear while Hikron was in fear when Kazaki vanished like a flash and Hikron was slashed on crucial parts of his attire and his clothes fell only his pants were left "really? pathe-" as blood violently spurted out of his arms and chest "NANI?!? What happened to me?" Hikron questioned as he fired his gun but hit only air "awwww sad. A lonely man is scared of little old me" Kazaki taunted and Hikron continued to wastes his bullets but hit nothing "shame goodbye Hikron" Kazaki said and Hikron looks and sees him sliting his throat. Hikron collapses to the ground and the very last thing he sees it the dead red eyes of Kazaki as he smirks at him with malice.

Hikron felt fear as his life was drained from him as he closes his eyes. Ajei approaches Kazaki who calms down as he looks at Hikron dead corpse "go help the others. I'll call the police force and verify the dead" Ajei said as Kazaki nodded and left while Ajei called and Konoha nin come to the scene.

To be continued....

Wow my longest one yet. My average words per chapter are 1k to 1.2k but this chapter is 2k worth of words

The next chapter will explain the teams special abilities