Fiore's New Problem

Ajei and his team arrive after handling the Hikron problem but Ajei was deep in thought of what happened before they arrived in Fiore.


Anko told Tsunade about the whole thing and she was impressed "excellent job team APLK. Everyone except Ajei and Anko leaves the office and relax in the hotel. Luni, Kazaki, and Phantom look at Ajei confused before leaving. Ajei and Anko were about to speak "I know you and Anko here kissed even before the job" Tsunade said and got up from her seat "Lady Tsunade I can explain'" when Tsunade requester her "if you share him with me, then we have no problem ok Anko" Tsunade said and giggled. Ajei was twitching as Anko and Tsunade straddled Ajei's lap as they smirked "let's get this party started" she said with a sultry voice as Ajei was petrified and screamed loud enough for the village to hear.


Luni noticed Ajei was sleeping and looked to Kazaki with a worried face "what you think happened in the Hokage's office?" She asked her insane lover "I have no idea but I wouldn't want to know based on the lipsticks on his neck" Kazaki pointed to a red lipstick on Ajei's neck and the two lovers knew already and decided to leave it out of the question. Phantom woke Ajei up as he cleared his throat "Fiore has a sharp increase of rebel activity and Headmaster Ozpin has asked us to help the mages in their clearing of these rebels from advancing further than the borders of the townspace in Magnolia" Phantom said and the rest of the twam shared their thoughts "me and Luni think they are desperate since they only have so much as one huge attack that they need to minimize their encounters with the populace which makes our job harder" Kazaki theorized as Luni said hers "or trying to make their jobs harder without them realizing it" and Ajei read the report "it says here that Hikron gave some of them the drugs to this Kallenov (Kall-en-ov) guy and says they hated each other yet they help one another in their troubles" as Phantom gave them answers "yes Hikron and Kallenov may have hated each other but they realized each others values to their empires and kept their dealings in order to keep each other from spilling the whole trade altogether and that rebels serving under Kallenov are running out of men and food fast so we have to get to the mayor before this issue becomes inter-universal" Phantom said as the team prepped their gear.

Magnolia Harbor

Ajei and the group meet up with a small fat mayor who shakes hands with them "thanks for coming and please tell Master Ozpin our thanks for the support he's given" he asked Phantom "no problem. Hows the activity of the rebels?" Phantom asked as they walked "we managed to keep them a couple of towns away and we thought we could send a large military force to fasten the attack" the mayor requested but Phantom didn't like the idea "sir if you send men impulsively, we may never know if the enemy is just laying a trap for us and use dying will be a dinner bell for them and lives will be lost" Phantom insisted but the mayor was too oblivious to see it "send in the troops" as a company of soldiers march and Ajei asked Phantom "I'll go there alone to assist them. It's clear this mayor is too dumb to see the threat here" Ajei glared at the mayor who gives him the stink eye as Ajei grabbed a sword walking along with the company of soldiers, unaware a red scarlet haired woman saw him and hid away from the shadows.

At the Frontlines

The soldiers march on the supposed location of rebel activity but see just ruins of the town and looked around. It was late at night but men just slowly walked the crumbled ruins. Ajej hated quiet places like these since he felt that the enemy was just around the corner. Soon a soldier yells and the men crouch low with their swords and spears at their chests scared of what's to come. Ajei then sees a lone soldier looking close to a dead villager when the body stood up suddenly scaring the soldier. The villager screams and a bullet went through his eyes as blood spattered on the soldiers' face and a hail of bullets kill the soldier and shot clean through the head as his helmet falls down and he falls on his back dead. (guess where that scene is from. HINT: a world war 2 movie that should've gotten an oscar award). The soldiers then began to drop one by one by mysterious bullets as they hid and dropped their swords and spears knowing it was useless to whatever was killing the men. Ajei had his pistols turn into his Martha 1 Alpha 4 rifle and fired at whatever was in the darkness of the night, soon artillery hailed and began to explode around the defenseless men who scrambled around the ruins to hide. Ajei realized he had to get these men out of here. Ajei runs to a house that had a handful of the men hiding and grabbed a scared soldier by his armor "tell your men to get away from here! I'll hold them off just go!" Ajei yelled and the soldier motioned his men to run away and the soldiers run away as Ajei fired his gun and was hit in the shoulder. Ajei grunted in pain and saw that the bullet went through pass his shoulder all the way, a good thing since if the bullet was lodged in his flesh, it would hurt a lot for him. Ajei knows that bleeding was bad since he would get weaker. Ajei sees a handful still running away and he forced himself to continue to cover fire as his left arm was beginning to go numb. Ajei then used his remaining energy to at least close the wound and continue to fire but he was hit again in the chest. Ajei grunts as he laid on the ground where his puddle of blood was beginning to form under him.

As Ajei was going to close his eyes from the pain, a woman in clad armor summoned a staff and slammed it on the ground, destroying the enemy as she turned to Ajei. She had scarlet red hair, beautiful eyes, and was looking at him "that was very brave of you" she said as Ajei was knocked out from his wounds.