What Now?

??? Pov

I was carrying Ajei bridal style as I went back to Magnolia and his friends came "Ajei! Miss what happened and is that all the soldiers left?" The blue haired one asked and I turned to see only a handful of soldiers "yes Miss unfortunately, they were met with superior firepower and were overwhelmed. It was thanks to your friend Ajei here that he gave the surviving soldiers some time before he himself was hurt but I came just in time and carried your friend her" I said as his white and black attired friends carried him to a nearby hotel "Ms. Erza thank you for clearing the threat where this pipsqueak didn't finish" the mayor said to me but I gritted my teeth and raised a sword at his neck "sir. He risked his life to give your soldiers to flee while he was receiving the hits and if I'm clear on this is that you were the one who ordered the soldiers to advance much to Mr. Phantom's and that boys advice, you chose to lead your men to a slaughterhouse" I said and the mayor grunted and looked down "hey Natsu! Grey! Take this man to the jail center" I ordered two of my best friends as they took the mayor away "time to show you a meaning of justice" Natsu said and Grey scoffed at him. They leave as I turn to the blue haired one.

I must say. She does look cute with her blue attire "I apologize for the mayor's incompetence to your friend there. I will make it right with your headmaster" I said and bowed down to my knees "Don't worry about Ajei. He's basically a god so he'll wake up soon after recovery" she said and I looked at her with shock "he's a god!?!" I asked and Luni chuckled "well not necessary a god but yeah he's got the powers of him but not actually god himself Ms. Erza" she said and shook hands with her "I heard that you must be Luni" I said and she smiles happily and we chatted to pass the time.

Kazaki's Pov

I sat beside Ajei as he began to stir in his sleep and woke up "duhhhuhhh" He stood up breath like he was just resurrected from the dead "hey hey Ajei relax. You were unconscious of your wounds. How's the wound going for you?" I asked concerned for Ajei "I'm ok. The wound will heal eventually. What happened?" Ajei asked "you were unconscious when Erza-senpai brought you here" I said with a sinister tone that gave Ajei the chills "where is this Erza lady?" Ajei asked and Kazaki guided him as he left and went to find her. Ajei saw her in the Fairy Tail Guild talking to Natsu in a scolding matter "you and Grey always start a fight here and never stop-" when she saw Ajei standing there dumbfounded "oh uh Mr. Ajei what brings you here? Are you ok?" She asked and Ajei nodded while looking at his bandaged chest "I'm ok as long as I take it easy with my body I'll be ok" Ajei said as Erza smiled "that was brave of you to be the distraction as the men you went with were running away" she said and commended him of his heroic actions "how many died that encounter Erza?" Ajei asked and Erza looked at the ground in sadness "out of the 120 men including you in that town ambush, only 79 came back from the ambush" she said and Ajei looked depressed "if only I had done a better job" Ajei ranted to himself as huntsmen "Ajei it wasn't your fault but the local mayor who did a terrible job at handling the situation" Luni appeared behind Ajei and hugged Ajei. Grey came and asked Luni "does Ozpin know of this?" As Luni answered him "yes but not without the public hearing this and spreading this on the news" Luni said and showed the group the news online 'Local Mayor Sends Men To Massacre! A Team of Huntsmen and Huntresses Join The Small Rebellion!' The Newsline said and Ajei scoffs "they name things like its some damn joke" Ajei said and the group couldn't agree more "he said to take out the rebellion as soon as possible" Luni said and the bounty of Kallenov increased to 6.5 Million Dollars to who takes the guy down "did Ozpin just put a bounty on Kallenov?" Ajei asked and Phantom came in the guild "he's wanting this rebellion to be dismissed as possible" Phantom said and the group made many theories up "now that Kallenov knows people want him dead now. He'll want to use his remaining men on locals before the military comes in" Phantom said and the other looked at him "unless we retaliate back to Kallenov before he even lifts a finger on the locals and harms them" Ajei said catching up to Phantoms real plan "yes we need to kill him and finish the mission. Ozpin gave us the go 30 minutes ago" he said and the team got ready.

Somewhere in a local town

Team APLK had arrived to see Belo soldiers return fire to the enemy on the other side of the river in town and gunfire flew everywhere and no no one was safe. A medic carries a soldier with his leg gone when he was shot in the joints of the arm and shoulder where the arm which torn off from his body from a bullet and screamed in agony. A cowering soldier of Fiore was behind a concrete wall when a bullet went straight through his head and killed him. A soldier fires his carbine rifle to get sniped in the eye and his fellow soldier was shot in the cheek scraping only his skin and hid deeper on the dirt.

Ajei helped a soldier while Phantom and the others went to the commander of the leading offense "hello I'm Captain Galex, a loyalist of Madam Kagura and the leading offensive force here but lets cut the chatter shall we?" He asked as they went to a safe trench they dugout and went to a room with the area map "Kallenov is situated 12 kilometers out of here and the enemy has taken our first line and if this second line falls, our reserves won't be able to fully prepare from the sudden collapse of this line" Galex said and Kazaki was just grinning "oh where can I get to slice some throats?" He asked and the general was silent and scared of Kazaki's sudden outburst "sorry general. He's just like that normally" Luni told the general who nods and Phantom had his mist formed rifle aiming at something and fired. It resulted in a huge explosion coming from the other side. They all look at Phantom who shrugs it off "they had their fuel tank exposed to enemy fire so I would charge if I was you general" he said and the general ordered the charge.

The soldiers charge and only a few dared resisted. They soon make it to a fort but a handful was mowed down by machine gunfire as an MG-42 fire away at them, forcing Phantom to call Ajei "Ajei! We need your help!" He shouted and Ajei got up from his hiding spot as he holds a heavy metal door from a tank and used it to shield himself from the bullets. Soldiers lined up behind him for cover as Ajei used the shield to break the gate. Phantom uses a flare to signal the attack as the army once again charge at the fort. The fort was then turned to urban warfare where close combat became the only source to fight the enemy as team APLK snuck through the secret passage they found and were on the trails of Kallenov who had a few guards and Kazaki threw a knife at one of them and the other fired but when Luni used her fan to throw mini knives at Kallenov, he used the guard as a meat shield and threw him down as he ran away. Phantom catches up to him via shadow teleport and tackled him and knocked him out.

Phantom carried him and the team looks at him with ease "Kallenov is captured. I repeat Kallenov is in our hands" Phantom told everyone through the radio as the team looks over the hill they were at of the fort being overrun and the fire was everywhere as screams and explosions erupt the scene.

To be continued