The Crimson Haired Princess

Team APLK arrived at Kuoh school where they were introduced to Issei and Aki (yep had to have the oc from my other story here just for fun) to lead them to their place. Ajei knew that Grayfia is the sister in law of Rias and Ajei knows he has to respect her and tried his best not to fall to temptations but knows its not a guarantee that he'll succeed. They go inside and Rias welcomed them "Phantom. We're glad your team has come to my aid to this creep. We manage to capture one of his goon sneaking around our home" Rias said and Phantom brought out a knife to the tied up man "so sir. Tell me where's your boss at or else I'll cut off your ears if you don't cause the thing I hate is perverts and rapists wannabes" he said and made a cut on the man's cheek "oh I can't wait to just lay my hands on the blondie girl I saw before I was tied up and just have with he-" but Ajei punched his jaw and almost broke it "she's just a teen you wanker!" Ajei was ticked off since he hated men who rape and use women like playthings "listen here you piece of pathetic trash. Tell us where is your boss or else I'll let Phantom and our friend Kazaki here have the fun to himself. They don't call him 'THE WHITE PINK TINTED SERIAL KILLER' for nothing sir" Ajei threatened him as Kazaki smiled sinesterily as the Peerage of Rias shivered at his smile "wha- why is he called that?" The man asked in fear now that Kazaki brought out a knife and held it with a finger at the sharp end "he told me he kills his victims fast but the people he kills slowly and precise points good for torture. He hates pervs, rapists, and pedophiles all with a passion where he first does like all to these types of men I mentioned get their man pride cut off clean first before he tortures them painfully" Ajei smirked sadistically while Akeno was scared but licked her lips in a sadist way since she was kind of a sadist herself. The man then bowed and begged "ok ok ok I'll tell you everything. Just please don't let him torture me please. I'll go to jail just to get away from him pleased!" The man petrified from the threat as he told the peerage everything and was escorted by Sirzechs and a couple of bodyguards to bring the man in for imprisonment. Rias they see Ajei and thanks him but was still scared since Ajei was sadistic to the man "I thank you and not to be disrespectful but that was a little out of the book to make him tell the truth about his whereabouts" she said and Issei nodded agreeing with her "yeah I think you may have scared me too man" Issei said and Ajei chuckled "he disgusts me with his lewd behavior" Ajei said as Kazaki came forward "ah you must be the sister of Sir Sirzechs? I'm Kazaki and this is my lovely girlfriend Luni" Kazaki said and smiled the entire time "nice to meet you Kazaki, Luni, and uhhmmm..." she then looked at Ajei "I'm Ajei. The recruit your brother must have talked about in the message" Ajei said and shook Rias hand "likewise. Does your team have a good stay at my brother's place?" She asked and drank her cup of tea "yes your brother was kind to give us a place to rest since we just finished a rebellion in Fiore" Phantom said and sat down on one her couches "yes Fiore was a shocker here in our world when your team just defeated a well-known criminal who's caused a major setback to many economic world trades if it weren't you and your team" Rias turned on a channel and the news showed Team APLK as the main star of the news "wow we became that popular in the universe?" Ajei sweated from that "ah nothing beats than a bunch of annoying paparazzi's and a large fanbase off of this" Kazaki groaned since he wasn't the type to get carried away with fame "yeah fame doesn't mix well with me too as well" Luni smiled and sweat teardrops appear on her forehead anime style. Rias introduced the team to her peerage and got to know each other and time passed as it was 10:00 at night as everyone was asleep while Phantom sat near a window in deep thought when he felt a presence "Rias I know what you're going to say. Ajei is Ajex's missing son aka your childhood friend is Ajei" Phantom said and Rias sat with him "so why doesn't he remember me then?" She asked and Phantom sighed "he just recently came to this universe. His other counterpart of this universe has to take time before Ajei will remember you and everyone he was friends with pretty much everybody" Phantom said and Rias held a picture of her and a boy who wore a tuxedo and he looked like Ajei who had a goofy like a smile "he's still the sweet boy I know and today he proved that he's still in there. The boy I was friends with is inside Ajei slowly revealing himself when I talked to him today" Rias smiled and teared up "come here" Phantom told Rias as she hugged Phantom and felt her hair "Ajei will get his memories soon. I just know it" Phantom told her and led Rias back to bed and Phantom stayed up a little longer before sleeping.


Ajei was dreaming of him and a young Rias he never hung out with since Ajei was human and never had any memories of hanging out Rias as a child. She and Ajei were playing around and saw Ajex and Rias dad calling them "kids time for dinner" Rias walked with Ajei and held her hand and they said to each other "we'll be best friends forever" Rias said and the dream blurs out. Ajei woke up and stood up in his bed panting from the dream "I remember. Rias and I met before when I was here before I was born into the human realm" Ajei theorized about the dream when he heard noises inside the building. Ajei got semi-prepared his attire and saw a man about to stab Phantom and Ajei threw his sword like a javelin and pierced his chest as he groans and Phantom woke up before slitting his throat and pulled out another weapon "check Rias Ajei!" Phantom told him and Ajei went to her room and saw a man about to take her out the window. The man stood still and reacted slowly as Ajei teleported in front of him and Ajei stabbed him and Rias woke up and blasted him from behind. The rest of the peerage woke up from their beds from the loud blast and went to Ria's room where Issei woke up from Rias bed "what happened? What's going on?" Issei confused what happened "4 tried to sneak here and take Rias by night" Phantom said and noticed Rias was slightly bleeding from her hand from a slash "Luni check on madam Rias hand while I and Kazaki patrol the area" Phantom took Kazaki on patrol while Ajei looked at the windows at Rias room and her peerage decided to sleepover in her room to protect her. 30 minutes later half of the peerage was asleep when Phantom and Kazaki returned a bit bloody "there were a few scattered after we caught wind of their attempted kidnap. I called Sirzechs to help set up guards around the premises. We can rest now and when we wake up, this clan must be taken down immediately" Phantom said and looked at Kazaki "when it comes to that, you are free to kill anyone at sight" Phantom gave him permission "gladly Phantom" Kazaki said and they went to sleep except Ajei who felt he needed to protect the group as he felt a hand on his shoulder "Ajei you ok?" She asked and Ajei lunged at her and embraced her "Ajei?" She was confused and hugged him "i remember now. You and I swore an oath to always remember each other and clearly I had lived in this world before" Ajei said and Rias smiled and cried "you remembered Ajei. I'm so happy" she said and cried on his chest. Ajei carried her shocking her and laid her down and Ajei laid beside Koneko and Rias "I'll keep that promise" Ajei said and the two long time friends slept through the remainder of the night.

To be continued...