Forests and Assassinating a Leader

APLK walk through the forest with Sirzechs Belo loyalist Salamanca joined them on the mission "This clan has been at a feud with the Gremory Clan for years and took the lives of many men here so be on your guard. This forest is crawling with criminals, strays, and even half breeds" Salamanca said to them and jumped to the trees "I'll be watching from the trees" he said and APLK walked through the forest and looked around "Uhm Phantom. I don't see any enemies so far" Luni said and held Kazaki's hand "Fallen Belo's love to blend in with the environment in order to take out their targets better" Phantom pulled his sword which formed into a rifle. Kazaki held a knife that had a pistol as the handle (like Blakes katana that can turn into a pistol in RWBY) as Ajei held his M1A4 rifle. Ajei was thinking about Rias when Phantom stopped them "what is it?" Ajei silently cocked his gun "enemies ahead" he pointed and 4 man patrol was chatting and circled on a campfire cooking some roasted boar "we can't fire our guns without attracting others to our positions. Kazaki is perfect for the job" Ajei looked to Kazaki who smiled cheek to cheek and ran towards them. Kazaki slit the first one as he dropped and the second one who was female tried to stab him only for Kazaki to grab her hand and stabbed her heart with her own knife into her chest. Third and fourth tried to grab him but slits under their arms and legs as they both went limp due to Kazaki cutting their muscles that made their legs moveable now unable to escape and he slit their throats 3 times to the two as he pushed both of them and fell on the ground.

Luni went to him to calm him down since his insanity was rising and the two boys checked their belongings "Siriki Clan" Phantom held a patch of the clan's symbol which had a satanic circle with the succubus in it "great a youkai rogue group" Ajei groaned and took some bullets for his gun. Kazaki had calmed down and kissed Luni "sorry I had to be like that Luni" he apologized and hugged Luni "it's ok you had to do it" she said comforting Kazaki. The team hides the bodies and the evidence of the kills and continued to find the camp "Salamanca how much further?" Ajei asked impatiently as Salamanca sighed on comms "a few more yards and then I'll give you the sniper rifle ok? Now just focus on the mission" Salamanca ordered him and Ajei to cut the comms. They see the camp on a bush as the camp was small and the group wasn't that threatening "I estimate over 300 man company" Phantom guessed the numbers and Salamanca ducked beside them "here's the rifle Ajei. He's in that tent" Salamanca pointed to the center of the encampment. Ajei scopes out the camp and sees the rebel leader "what happens if he's killed, Salamanca?" Ajei asked the loyalist "the rebel force will be forced to surrender since most of these guys are inexperienced troops with little training" Salamanca told the questioning teen. Ajei has the crosshairs on the leader and takes a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

The bullet whizzes to the leader's head killing him. Everyone in camp had heard the shot and tried to find the signal as a soldier found his dead body and accused a fellow commander of killing him and a spark of fighting ensued and Ajei in complete shock "their morale was slim to none so killing him would result in a breakup and a divided army. It makes it easier for my lord and for Lady Rias" Salamanca saying before leaving. Phantom and the team gave him congrats on killing the leader and kept his cool despite his energetic mood "let's report this to Professor Ozpin. Foods on me guys" Phantom said and the group leaves. 


The clan that threatened Rias was handled with the help of Sirzechs and Salamanca taking them out and ridding them quick and effective cleanup was commenced. Rias and her peerage celebrated their little problem sorted out "to the Gremory clan forever and for Team APLK!" Luni cheered and everyone clashed their cups of drinks while Kazaki had whiskey "aren't you too young to be drinking?" Ajei asked and was concerned since he was 17 himself "oh yeah Luni forgot to mention about me having Alcohol Tolerance perk I have in my body" Kazaki said and drank his 12th little bottle "ok not going to question about that" Ajei didn't want to bother him and his weird antics. He sees Rias looking at him and decides to have a chat with her with Issei "hey what's up Ajei?" Issei asked and Ajei said hi and explained to Issei how Rias and Ajei were childhood friends before becoming human in earth "wow seems like you had come a long way then Ajei. I personally wouldn't know what to do since being an immortal demigod seems rather lonely" Issei said and Ajei shrugged it "but it is a good teacher" Ajei said and he was confused about that statement "he means that time is a good lesson to learn about life" Rias told Issei who then understood. The party ends and everyone except Ajei and Rias who are talking to each other "I've shouldn't have forgotten you Rias. You were one of my best friends and I forgot about you. I should punish myself Rias for forgetting you" Ajei talking down on himself for his memory loss he couldn't have controlled "Ajei it, not your fault that most of your memories have faded but I want to give you something to make up for those missing years" Rias confessed and Ajei raised a brow when Rias kissed him and used her tongue to enter his mouth and Ajei took it in out of lust since he was a bit of a perv himself but had ways to well you know relieve himself in order to loosen his lust for the woman and to contain his lust "ah Rias you're so beautiful than I could've imagined" Ajei said and the two long lost friends continued to make out with him and friends who were lost vow was kindled by friendship love.

To be continued. ..