Hunting A Neo

Team APLK was on the plane when they got the call "Phantom this better be good because-" but Phantom interrupts him of his speech "there's no time. We have a Code Alpha Red. A stray Neo has returned in DxD" Phantom said that as Kazaki and Luni looked in despair and with grim faces "what's a Code Red Alpha and a Neo?" Ajei asked the team "Code Red Alpha is a dangerous level type of mission associated with either an individual, object, or entity that needs full time investigating and containing or possibly destroy" Luni informed Ajei and Kazaki informed him with the other question "Neo's are the first Belo beings to walk the earth and impregnated many women and brought many Neos to this world and the universe. Think of them as the first beings to walk the universe. They are godlike and deadlier than we reincarnated humans in Belo bodies" Kazaki said in fear despite he was the teammate with sadism as his attitude "yes and Ajei 5 years ago before you came here prior to today. The devils and a team of huntsmen and Huntresses once had this case working and the operation was a failure. The hunting team was wiped out in seconds and the devils tried to find the stray but he vanished without a trace and since then until now had been under the radar and the universes observed in case if he ever popped up in the map but he didn't" Phantom said and told them everything as he ends the call. Ajei decided to rest up a bit more and the two lovers studied the case and wrote some notes for Ajei for when they land.


Ajei, Kazaki, and Luni arrive at the scene and see the body "goodness. Talk about a bad night for a makeout session here in the middle of an abandoned church" Ajei commented and various devils and Belo's talking to each other while others were clearing the area "thanks for coming to you guys. Guys meet Galerog, the legendary hunter of the universe" Phantom introduced them to Galerog "hey pups" he said kindly. Galerog wore a heavy duty armored suit with kevlar vest with a few banana magazines, the hat of black beret signifying he works for a special force or under a secret force, attire had everything military personnel had in the military "well Galerog. How do we find a stray Neo if he hides very well?" Kazaki asked "the stray made a mistake on leaving his green ooze on the body" Galerog saids and Luni looked confused "what's wrong with the green goo?" She as Galerog chuckled "well my dear lady. This ooze is from a chemical factory. The Hondoka Factory" Galerog said and Phantom wide eyes like he knew the place "oh yeah. That factory has been closed for 20 years due to a chemical leak and since then abandoned" Phantom looked at his team and they nodded "ok then lads lets get this hunting started" Galerog pumped his shotgun and ran along with APLK.

In the Factory

Galerog was with the team as they walked through the wet pavements of the factory clearly abandoned for some time "Uhm Galerog sir. How is it that you relate to Lord Sirzechs?" Luni asked curiously "Sir Galerog here is famous for hunting supernatural beings and entities around the universe for a long time since the 1600's" Ajei said and the team were surprised because they didn't get to tell him about him "yes. The Gremory Clan is like my family to me. I have stayed loyal to them ever since" he said with a proud tone of his service "wow you must be an old man" Kazaki said and Phantom grew a tick mark on his forehead and sounds of punches echo through the building.

A few minutes later

Kazaki laid beaten by Phantom after his little insult "never call a person old under any circumstances" Phantom warned his teammate angrily "yes sir" Kazaki said while Luni was healing him. Galerog and Ajei chuckled and were glad not to feel Phantom's wrath but heard a can drop. This alarms the boys including Kazaki who turned one of his knives into a pistol and looked at the hallway. Footsteps slowly echo as everybody's breaths were slowly increasing. Ajei cocked his M1A4 rifle. Phantom used his vision to see the incoming person coming. He sees nothing but instead felt a sickening feeling. He looks up to the ceiling and saw it. It was a human being but his skin was scaly, wings sprouted out of his back and were sharp, eyes were piercing red, and had jagged teeth "up in the ceiling!" Phantom yelled and the Neo lunged at him knocking and was on top of him trying to bite him but Phantom was desperate to hold him. The group fire at it but due to the tough skin it had. The bullet's effect was useless to the Neo. Ajei and Kazaki got up as Glarog reloaded a bullet with a crystal tip on it and put it in his rifle. Ajei and Kazaki stab the beast at its area where the wings joints were and cut it and slit up the wound to open a large gap and gunfire emit as the bullet Galerog reloaded was fired and went to the open wound that Ajei and Kazaki opened up on the screeching beast. The Neo was squirming as the beast was slowly dying and went limp. Ajei noticed his chest had a gash and it was healed "uh Kazaki what  was that just healed up right now?" Ajei asked dumbfounded "your body seems to tolerate pain than usual" Kazaki examined his chest of Ajei. Luni went to Ajei for any residue of gashes from the beast. Galerog cuts the beast's horns and puts in his satchel "ok lads let-" but Galerog gets hit by something. Team APLK forms a circle around each other and looked around and one by one everyone was knocked out except Ajei.

He stood his stance as the form revealed to be......him "what? But how?" Ajei asked his apparent dark counterpart "ah so you"re the one being here that drew me to you Mr. Ajei" the dark Ajei said evily "you must be this universe's Ajei counterpart as with the other Ajei in other fan stories such as this (and yes I broke the fourth viewers so please enjoy while it last)" Ajei said and told the reader who seemed confused and shocked of the main character of the storytelling him what to do.

"I'm glad you're here. This means I can rest now...within you Mr. Ajei" the dark entity said and went inside Ajei's body and Ajei's eyes turned purple like that of the Rinnegan. Ajei chuckled darkly as the others woke up "it's good to be in a young body" Ajei said and looked at his team "oh hello" he said innocently.