The Real Ajei


"Ajei. It's good to see you again" Rias hugged the newly attired Ajei who wore a simple tuxedo but had a few areas of his suit with patches of the armor of titanium and vibrant. The weapons of his choices were a little scythe, his M4A1, pistols, swords, and rolled-up chains connected to the little scythe. Rias blushed from her friend with benefits attire and his new looks. His eyes turned to the Rinnegan, hair becoming a bit like Madara but a but cleaner, face becoming like a handsome gentleman.

The peerage also blushed at Ajei and already explained everything "so that second Neo was yourself but you who travels around the realms and alternative  worlds or universes across time" Phantom said and Kazaki looked at Ajei's attire "my goodness. He didn't mention that he can change attire and his stuff" Kazaki was holding Ajei's pistol and knife "hey Kazaki please. This pistol is a rare 3023 Kaerbar Pistol" Ajei said and locked his gun away in his Kamui "3023?" Luni asked Ajei who chuckles "yeah forgot to mention. I can travel between earth. The 3023 is the year that I visited on Earth 286" Ajei said and gained shocked expressions from everyone "you travel to that much earth?" Issei asked but Ajei told him "no I traveled to 1,000,000 various piles of earth and 100,000,000 universes and realms" Ajei gave another surprised looks "wow you sure traveled to many worlds Ajei" Kiba said and gave him a cup of tea "yes and this boy was my previous vessel in another life. This boy was a kid living in San Diego in the year 2010 and was quite the rebellious type against normal people. He was left being the black sheep of humanity so I possessed his soul to destroy that corrupted earth and since that time later in about 30 years of traveling to worlds, I split the souls of him and me to that earth he lived in but never expected to suffer again so I was drawn by him and here I am" Ajei shrugged and crossed his arms in cooly way.

The group talked more and decided to rest up and return to Beacon Academy.


Ajei had beaten Cardin again in a duel when Cardin challenged him cocky of his skills but his team walked away in shame since Ajei had become more skilled. Teams RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY admired Ajei and noticed his change of attire and his maturity.

Ajei was holding hands with Weiss in the halls as everyone was muttering about them about how lucky he's friends and close to the Schnee family. They enjoyed their walk to their dorms when a jock approached them "hey gorgeous. How about you leave this loser and hang with me instead babe?" He said smugly "eww no. I have Ajei with as my lover since he loves me for who I am not the popular girl and not some plaything for some guy like you" she said. The guy didn't leave them alone as he grabbed her arm "then I'll make you-" but felt a quick slash at his wrist and he saw that his wrist was bleeding and screamed. Ajei was pissed that he touched Weiss and forced her to go out with him "be glad your hand is still intact and I didn't cut your handoff. Leave us alone or I'll make you and tell her dad and her mother aka my parents in law and make sure you get the message got it?" Ajei threatened and turned his once brown eyes to the Rinnegan. 

The man nods scared and left quickly. The students quiet from Ajei's sudden action and all knew Ajei was really like his sadistic and deadly king Ajex. They make it to their dorms and they make out in the bed. Ajei stripped his clothes and Weiss removed hers and they had well let just leave it to you to imagine the intimate romance from here.

An hour later

Weiss laid on Ajei as they panted from their lovemaking "you on the pill?" Ajei asked and Weiss nodded "ok. I just don't  want to you know knock you up and end our learning to become hunters" Ajei said and Weiss kissed him "that's kind of you Ajei-" as her team comes back and saw their lovemaking in their bed "oh Uhm..." RBY was blushing since they were bare naked in bed and they were surprised that such a thing happened in their dorm "get some clothes on ok?" Blake said and they left.

Weiss and Ajei got their clothes back on and they come back in "so lover boy. You got some room for more?" Yang asked seductively. Ajei looked at Weiss who smiled "yes more than enough to go around" Ajei said as Team RWBY lunged at Ajei and he knew where this was going to end today.


In a dark black room where a computer loads a screen showing info about Ajei on the screen.

Name: Ajei Blackbourne

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Status: Alive

Ranking: SSS ranked Hero

Threat Level: High to Criminals and Rebels

Then a man in black looks at the screen "hmmm target added to list" the man said and shot the computer. He leaves the darkroom as the computer fizzes and crackles of electricity.


He was finished sharpening his knives and cleaned the others "hey Kazaki. Don't stay up for long. We have to report to Ozpin tomorrow of the mission at home" Luni told Kazaki since it was 2:00 in the morning and he kissed her "thanks Luni. I'll be there in a second" Kazaki assured her as she swayed her hips to get Kazaki to come quicker "ok ok Luni just let me turn off the lights" Kazaki turned off the lights and went with Luni and went to bed.

Outside of the ORC club mansion were the same spies who peeked at Ajei's dorm Frankirk and Benexar with their green mint haired teen "he's so much cuter by the day and hot at the night but who's the red haired woman with big breast lady?" She asked her scouts "her name is Rias Gremory, the heiress of the Gremory family" Frankirk told his boss and drank a vial of water "why is she cuddling with her instead of me cuddling him?" She was jealous of Ajei's childhood friend "well Emerald. She is childhood friends with the heir of the Belo Kingdoms. Emerald not to question personal things but are you in love with Mr. Ajei?" He asked Emerald as she blushed and "tch" scoffed "sorry no offense intended" Benexar apologized and continued to spy on the sleeping friends "let's go. I heard that they'll return to Beacon soon" Emerald commanded the two fallen scouts as they sneak through the night.