Ajei's New Take of Power

Professor Goodwitch

Ajei was clashing swords with Pyrrha as he and Pyrrha smiled at each other "this duel was longer then I expected" Ajei said in a dark tone like Tobi's alter ego voice. Pyrrha raised a brow when she was tripped by Ajei doing a swing circle kick to unbalance her. She falls but feels an arm wrapped her waist and back. Pyrrha looks to Ajei in the eyes and blushed from his catch "but all good times must come to an end sweetheart. Rule Number One: Don't let your guard down" Ajei smirked and get her balanced

And shook her hand "good duel Pyrrha. Thanks for the duel" Ajei said and both went back up their class "excellent job Mr. Ajei and Ms. Nikkos. Ajei although your way of defeating Pyrrha was a bit inappropriate and unorthodox, but still good job" Glynda scolded Ajei lightly and had a tint of pink while feeling jealous of Ajei holding Pyrrha like that "thats all for today-" but Cardin challenged Ajei "I want to beat Ajei Ms. Goodwitch" he said ignorantly and Ajei held a hand to Glynda "its ok. If he wants. I hope he knows what's he dealing with Miss" Ajei said and gone down the arena as Cardin and his team goes down. They snicker at Ajei since he was outnumbered 1 to 4. The match begins and the fight was over the moment it began. Russel swung his weapon but Ajei jumped high and stomped his face and kicked his back hard

and he lands at the edge of the arena and his aura was already empty. Dove fires at Ajei with Sky but Ajei dashes and teleports to the two shooting members of CRDL. Ajei holds two of their heads and smashed them to the ground. Their auras are also out. Cardin shakes in fear with his team beaten and swung his mace out of fear and hopes to hit Ajei. Ajei leaps out of the air and stands back on the ground as he lands back to the arena. Cardin stands foolishly as Ajei made a few hand signs and chanted "FIRE STYLE: MAJESTIC DESTROYER FLAME!!!!"

As flames engulf the entire arena and Cardin tried to move but the fear glued him to the ground and he was engulfed in flames. The class looks at the smoke and fire clears to show Ajei burned slightly as Cardin was covered in black ash and the other members were still unconscious. Glynda got both of Ajei and Team CRDL to the medic but Ajei declined since his new powers gave him fast regeneration. Team RWBY and JNPR checked on him "are you all right?" Ruby asked when they entered the room and Ajei was shirtless. They blush at Ajei and Yang was purring "oh I like like" but Ajei covered his body "uh could you wait for a moment?" Ajei asked them to wait and Ajei wore a white shirt "yes" Ajei asked them "we wanted to check on you if you want to hang out with us since your team is on a mission?" Ruby asked and twirled her fingers. Blake rubbed her arm. Weiss was fidgeting. Nora and Pyrrha were silent. Ajei can tell that the teams were having feeling for him (by the way Jaune and Ren are females in this story) Ajei closes the door and moans were heard.

Next Day

Team APLK were called with team RWBY

to Ozpins office "Ruby. Ajei. This is a personal mission I'm assigning you both on" Ozpin warned then and the two teams "yes sir" Phantom said while Kazaki and Luni held hands "this mission is in a anime realm called Moe Ninja Girl" Ozpin said and Ajei began to have flashback all of a sudden.

Flashback one

A blonde girl plays with Ajei.

Flashback two

A black long haired girl held hands with young Ajei.

Last flashback

A young ninja fistbumps him as a kid.


Ajei held his head and kneed the ground. His team and RWBY went to him "are you ok?" Blake helped Ajei up to stand. Ajei took a deep breath "I'm ok. I had flashbacks to that world I'm assuming Phantom" Ajei assumed as Phantom nodded "yeah since you have your other soul back, your memories are recovering much faster pace than I thought" Phantom theorized and Team RWBY was shocked since Ajei was the missing heir of the Belo race. Ozpin clears his throat "ok yes Ajei. Moe is one of the sensitive realms due to constant raids from fallen, rebels, anarchists, rogues ninjas, and primarily rebel Belo's since the 1970s while the humans occupied the place (humans imagine us where we gained knowledge to build a portal to this world but they use it for sadistic purposes and dictated these worlds and the Belo's fought them. This happened in 1714 and ended 2014 do this story takes place in 2020 in a still recently defeat human race) and is left to lawlessness. The Belo Kingdoms need you and RWBY to help them to rid of them" Ozpin said and turned on the tv and suddenly Ajei got every info of the world they are going to be sent in "with the police and military forces of that realm under turmoil and constant work tiring them, we need to help them in fighting the rebels and other forces from taking the region by force. If that world falls to rebel hands, it will only incite a universal uprising to all enemies of all worlds to create chaos and certainly would target humanity if it came to that" Ozpin Said and the tv showed a series of pictures and news of the rebellion. Ajei sees a female woman. A woman who looked in her 20's to '30s with midnight blue hair, buxom body, green eyes, and wore a uniform from a school "Ozpin who's that woman?" Ajei asked and began to see flashbacks "This is Lily Fuma. She's is one of the members of The Ninja Seeking Club but get this. The club is actually ninja's themselves" Ozpin chuckled at the cheesy irony of the club's motto.

Team RWBY envied the woman at the screen since she had the biggest breast out of them and even bigger than Yangs.

The teams got their info and traveled to the dimension.

Moe Realm

APLK and RWBY approach a school that had barricades around the walls of the school and the streets were like a riot scorched area as gunfire almost hits them. Ajei sees the rebels shooting at them "well guys. Welcome to the rebellion" Ajei smirked and loaded his double pistols.