The Warlord and The Immortal

Ajei was at a bakery with his girlfriends as they were eating at a cafe since his team invited them "you girls could use the spare time like us compared to the calls you girls are often called for" Phantom said and sipped his coffee and his team ate rather animalistically on their food when both Weiss and Luni hit their loves for their savage behavior "you guys should have some table manners. We are in public for crying out loud. You two I swear you both are idiots!" Weiss scolded them. Kazaki was frightened but Ajei smirked "yeah but I'm your handsome idiot" Ajei said and Weiss blushed hard "idiot" Weiss said before hugging Ajei's arm and Luni cuddled in Kazaki's chest.

Phantom received a call from Ozpin "guys. I hate to say this but it appears that Ozpin has called us for another job. Ladies say goodbye to Ajei and return to Beacon" Phantom said and shadow vanished. Ajei kissed all of his harems while Kazaki and Luni walked to Beacon. The girls eventually left the cafe and returned to Beacon.

Ozpin's Office

Ozpin drops a picture of a knight about to slash an enemy Fallen. The picture proved the knight to be a female since her ponytail was seen in the picture to be swinging behind her helmet but her face was masked by her scary helmet. Her shoulder armor where the left side was with spikes and the other plain shoulder armor, her armor looked like they went through many battles, and her mask is what gave her a scary impression "who's this person in the picture?" Luni asked Ozpin who looked at the window "that Ms. Luni is Apollyon, the Warlord of The Blackstone Legion (AN: Apollyon is good and not the villain she is in the For Honor game) and Ajei tensed at the name of the knight "Apollyon? Wasn't she responsible for killing a lot of her enemies in their war for resources until the 1990's when their world collided with ours but with the humans coming to their world with guns but somehow she repelled the humans and their guns?" Phantom clarified the info he got from his earlier days. Ozpin only chuckles "yes and recently she confessed to being rumored to being lovers with your father Ajex Mr

Ajei" Ozpin turned to Ajei who was shocked "so shes a family friend of my dads?" Ajei asked and Ozpin nods "she needs help. Her army may be the strongest and largest but a couple of rebel fallen clans came into their realm and decided to take a foothold in some lands in their Ashfield" Ozpin gave them their coordinates to their world "Apollyon is waiting for your arrival and I expect you do it now" Ozpin said and the team left.


APLK Had arrived in the realm of Ashfield which was a beautiful land for a world filled with war and misery. The locals saw the team and waved at them. They soon see Ajei and cheered and crowded around Ajei and thought Ajei was Ajex but a voice roars "enough! He is not Ajex! He is the son of the man everyone!" The team soon enough see Apollyon in her armor along with a few warden knights the team read about warriors and class of soldiers. They approach but Apollyon reveals only her lips and kisses Ajei suddenly, shocking and made team APLK groan "ladies man as usual" Phantom said and looked away but Kazaki and Luni awed at the site. The soldiers and the locals were in shock that a female assassin in a hood asked rather harshly "Lady Apollyon. Why are you kissing your friends son?" But Apollyon departed her lips and told her "cause he reminds me of him and he once told me to love him just as i loved him in his life" Apollyon said and the assassin went silent. A warden approaches Apollyon to her ear. She stiffens and tells the team "I'm sorry Phantom, Kazaki, Luni, and Ajei but can you help us. We just received word from the samurai (AN: yes the factions are allis in this story) is under siege by rogue Fallen. You don't mind helping right now?" She asked and the team smirked and ran with her and her knights.

The Myre

The samurai were overwhelmed with the Fallen who pushed them back and their numbers were dropping and reinforcements were not existed due to their recent peace treaty they made with the Vikings and the knights so thus their people are still recovering from years of war and no they had no guns. They were about to retreat when Ajei and Phantom appeared and killed a few Fallen who got too close to the injured and close to the dying men while Kazaki and Luni went to help and heal the samurai of their injuries "Luni take care of them. Warriors! Stay there. Lady Apollyon is coming here now. Go to the hill over there. We'll take care of these Fallen" Phantom said and began to slash his dark sword as Ajei shot his gun to a few before changing his weapon to his M1A4 and mowed their numbers and they were forced to retreat.

Apollyon had arrived with her Blackstone legion and saw the site. Too many samurai and Fallen laid dead on the Myre. This caused concern to the samurai and Apollyon since the samurai faction had lost most of its best warriors to the Fallen, team APLK called Ozpin of the current situation associating with the samurai and the declining population of their clan. Ozpin sent some relief packages and supplies to help the samurai arm themselves but were reluctant to arm their soldier's weapons that killed their men but had to eventually learn to effectively beat the Fallen.


Camp had been set up to help the wounded and the Myre had been under surveillance due to the Fallen's love for ambushing their enemies at night. Apollyon called Ajei to her tent by a soldier named Stone "Lord Apollyon has requested your presence Lord Ajei" he said rather stoically and Ajei followed Stone to her tent. Stone leaves Ajei as Apollyon is seen without her armor. She was a reincarnated goddess for Ajei. She had a well-built body of a curvaceous body of a goddess of love, her hair was an average of a snowy white hair due to the stress to her earlier life to fighting the war, her sapphire eyes pierced to Ajei's brown eyes, and her beautiful face made her and Ajei a bit awkward of the situation "Apollyon so you called me for something?" Ajei asked nervously since he knew she would become a part of his already building harem. She approached him with her hips swaying and used her index finger to make circular motions on Ajei's chest "you look exactly like your father when he and I were young in the war" Apollyon said and remembered her romantic makeouts in order to relieve her pent up stress from the war and that Ajei was her love interest. Let read a bit on Apollyon from his dad's diary of his life and most of the entries were his love lives of his lovers and his interactions between them. Apollyon held Ajei in her embrace "Ajei. I hope you understand why I'm doing this" Apollyon said seductively and kissed Ajei's cheek "no problem Lady Apollyon" but she insisted "please just call me Apollyon my wolf" she said and kissed Ajei in the lips. Ajei just shrugs and groped her butt as they fell on her bed into the night.