For Honor


Ajei and a few samurai are seen slaughtering and holding a gate from Fallen from breaking through the Myre. Archers fired at the pathway of the gate while the samurai were holding them off "where's your champion sir?" Kazaki asked as he slit a fallen of his throat and cowered behind his shield. Luni was away healing people while Phantom was behind the enemy setting up explosive to their only way out for the enemy to fall behind in if the attack fails.

Phantom killed a few fallen as he and a few samurai preppared the explosives around the Myre. Phantom activates the last bomb triggered before they signal the others to push the fallen back.


Apollyon along with Holden, Stone, and Mercy standing by saw the banner of Phantom's flag being waved signaling the go. She raises her sword and started to charge with their horses to make the fallen fall back to where the explosives are. The fallen see the charging allies and retreat not aware of the bombs before Phantom triggers the bombs and thr fallen is consumed by the fires while the rest watch in satisfaction (yeah pretty sadistic of me sorry) and Ajei collapses from close exhaustion from his legs. Apollyon helps the clearing of the Myre with the samurai as Phantom talks with the samurai of considering training their armies with guns along with the knights and the viking clans in order to be prepared for another and potential deadly Fallen invasion or wordt humans ever tried to invade the realm.

Ajei was being checked by a medic knight as she looked at Ajei's exposed chest. She blushed since Ajei didn't notice his abs which was a 6 pack depite being 190 to 200 pounds before he died. Ajei wonders about the medics blushing and realizes when he looks down to his chest and sees his abs and covers "sorry! I knew i shouldn't worn armor underneath" Ajei ranted to himself since he wasn't the type to be carried away about having muscles or looks. The medic nods and finished putting a bandage over his left side of his chest which was slashed during the fighting "there Lord Ajei" she said and left as Apollyon gazes the medic and looks at Ajei "she's cute" Apollyon said and sat on Ajei's lap "yeah but not as pretty as you my iron wolf rose" Ajei kissed Apollyons cold helmet "i love you as well my immortal wolf" Apollyon flirtrd back and lifted her helmet and kissed him. They hugged eaxh other while french kissing before a blushing Mercy stands at the entrance of the tent. Ajei and Apollyon see her and stop "what is it Mercy?" Apollyon asked feeling annoyed from the interrupted romantic makeout "uh my lady. The Fallen have just retreated to viking territory" Mercy said and Ajei got up while holding Apollyon's hand "Apollyon. We'll continue this after this conflict is settled and maybe i'll show you my inner wolf" Ajei said and Apollyon blushed from his words and kissed him "i'll be sure to keep the bed ready for you then my wolf" Apollyon said and walked away as she swayed her hips with Mercy who blushed under her mask. They walk away from Ajei's tent "i take it you want to share Ajei with me Mercy?" Apollyon knew Mercy since she can tell without looking into her face and to her eyes "yes Lord Ajei is about around the age of me by 3 younger than me" Mercy said and Apollyon giggled "ah he's like his dad i tell you Mercy i tell you" she said and the rest of the morning was mostly cleaning before Ajei and his team went to the vikings for support.


Raider and his fellow vikings have been holed up on a village not far from their capital but are surrounded by the fallen. A soldier and his 2 lackeys tried to sneak past through pass the sniping fallen but barely made a meter of their dash before they were shot dead. Raider growls in anger "these vile beasts are mowing down our numbers

If we don't leave now. Our men would starve here and die" he said as his two wielded axe friend patted his shoulder "Apollyon has sent a message that she called this Ozpin person that he sent a special squad to help us" he said keeping the morale of the ducked army from faltering.

Raider then hears a few unusual loud gunshots compared to a few light gunfire he usually heard but this loud gunshot noises were sounds of a fight happening. Raider was wondering if Apollyon's special squad had arrived and decided to make his move "my kin! Charge!" Raider roared and his army charges out of theirbhiding spot and noticed the enemy was falling from the hills to their deaths and saw four young men. He was confused. This was the squad that Apollyon had mentioned via letters and messages. His spear soldier woman warrior yelled to them "who in Odins beard's name are you 4 kids doing here? Aren't you 4 too young be out here?" She asked but the black clothed teen yelled "we're the squad Lady Apollyon mentioned. Our names is Ajei, Phantom, Kazaki, and Luni. We are pleased to meet your acquaintance" the now introduced Phantom said and they looked at him with confusion as they descend down to the viking army "sorry we couldn't come sooner. The Dawn Empire was being hammered by them. We managed to clear the surrounding area. Its best if we return to the capital now and chat while at it" Ajei apologized and bowed. Raider then looked at Ajei and began to bow "oh my Odins Beard! Lord Ajei. You're the son of Lord Ajex the Savage" and bowed down as the army bows down. Kazaki smirks and elbows Ajei but Ajei hits him back and they talked about him along the way back to the capital.

The capital

Raider gave Ajei an overview of the situation. The fallen only have a shore foothold of their land and have been unable to spy the area due to the area being infested by constant patrol. Kazaki raised his hand during the meeting and asked if he could help Valkyrie with the sabotage the enemy and give way to the vikings attack. Kazaki was now on a horse with Valkyrie when Luni gave him a kiss before they went away.


They walked in the peaceful snowy front while Valkyrie was looking around "hey Valk. I need to take a leak real quick" Kazaki said and she nodded. Kazaki took care of his nature call when he heard a snap. Kazaki pulled out his knife and Valkyrie stances her position for a fight "ready?" Kazaki asked and readied his knife.