War on Terrorism

Ajei, Kazaki, and Luni snuck pass the gunmen and terrorists who were looking around for some people to kill and noticed some were actually fallen I disguise "damn it. I knew some fallen would be attracted to the wars and chaos here in the Middle East" Ajei ranted while Kazaki slit a fallen who turned to their corner and hid his body. Luni looks around and sees the soldiers a few buildings away from the "I see them. *points to the building where the soldiers are holed up* there" she pointed to where they are held up at "great cause a sniper is at that balcony of that building *thinks of an idea* Kazaki think of something" Ajei asked Kazaki for ideas.

Kazaki looks at the dead fallen and smirks "hey Luni. I think its time to play that fantasy of mine" Kazaki said and Luni growls lustfully while Ajei had a sweat drop "why do i get the feeling that you two are talking of a fetish?" Ajei said and had a deadpanned face.

Minutes later Kazaki disguised as the dead fallen her killed and used his gear to bypass the sniper who will think that Kazaki is just another fallen helping them but in reality he is tricking them. Kazaki orders Luni and Ajei to move along "move along scum!" Kazaki yelled when his sniper stops him "oi where did you find those two?" He asked Kazaki in disguise "I found them hiding in a ditch her in town with a dead body sir" Kazaki gruff his voice in order to fool the human sniper "ok proceed and bring those two to the soldier holed up here"CV he ordered and Kazaki led them to the soldier where he unmasks himself and Ajei creates a portal for them to escape when gunfire erupts "go go go!" Ajei yelled and fired his gun while Kazaki fired a short burst before going through the portal. Ajei throws a huge c4 bomb to them as he leaps through the portal and blows up the building.


Ajei, Luni, and Kazaki were awarded many medals and honors such as Title Duke by Queen Elizabeth and after that, the world watched their every move. Ajei and his friends were popular with the youth while the adults try to hire them in their country's military power but failed. The young group found Asia to be quite nice rather than the Western people who desire power except for the UK, France(which Kazaki is fond of) Germany, Italy(Phantoms favorite country), Poland, Russia(despite them trying to reform the old territories to their own), and many European countries. The US tried to conduct an abduction of the youngsters one instance.

Flashback 3 weeks after saving the troops

Phantom was watching TV while Kazaki, Luni, and Ajei were asleep after Queen Elizabeth offered them a party invitation to celebrate their newfound bond. Phantom was the master of detection as he felt and heard the Americans outside came inside and he drew his sword which turned to black fire as he morphed into the shadows.

Americans POV

We got inside and we held our guns stiff and looked around the British hotel halls as we needed to grab the girls that Ajei fella has for questioning and to offer them to serve the military. We heard and saw the lights flicker as we pointed our guns around to see no one and when the lights went out, I heard of my men scream and slices of a blade through flesh penetrates the hallway as we fired our silenced guns impulsively and not aware we just drew the attention of the tenants of the hotel and one by one man after man had perished.

I tried to fire but my right arm was slashed clean off and I was kicked back to the wall where I saw a boy peer out of the shadows and had blood all over his black and white outfit (like Blakes black and white outfit in RWBY vol 4-6 but masculine version) and his jet black blade spattered by my comrade's blood "do you have any idea whom you just attacked? We will get those brats either way either by force or we will make the Brits give us the packages!" I yelled and he simply laughed and pulled out a camera "oh really? Cause I got everything you said and I have to thank you for exposing your countries agenda with my friends so thank you for making your country a laughing stock human" he said and I realized why he had a camera. I revealed my goal and my countries mission to this boy and add to the embarrassment, I was going to die from this boy "damn it" I said as I slowly was dying. I heard the boy said something as I was dying "I'm sorry. This ain't personal sir" he said as I closed my eyes knowing my fate and decided to leave it to god to punish me for serving the wrong people and country.


He stared down at the man who bled to death and looked at his blade "such a shame. He had no family waiting for him back home" Phantom said as a few policemen as they saw the scene "alert Queen Elizabeth about the Americans attempting espionage and forced kidnapping of me and my friends" Phantom ordered them as they nodded and the proper authorities got the situation under control.


Ajei, Phantom, Luni, and Kazaki stood in the middle as The British were pointing towards the American's side "our own ally has dared to kidnap and to force them to serve them for military dominance from their own knowledge of the military. On behalf of Queen Elizabeth, we allow Ajei's allies to come forth here on this court today" a member of the parliament said and Ozpin, Winter, Ironwood, and Glynda came to the middle "thank you sirs and ma'ams for coming here. We Britains apologize for calling you here and we behalf of our allies incompetent behaviors to the attempted kidnapping of your students in vacation and we wish to apologize for that" the judge apologized to Ozpin and to the others for America's dumb attempt to even carry out a kidnapping "its all ok, but we would like to warn you that Ajei's kingdom is capable of ending an entire nation if this America does something like this again, i would not hesitate to tell him to go ahead and destroy this earth without remorse" Ozpin to the nations of men in the UN meeting room.

Every representative of each nation shook in fear that a young boy like Ajei can cause the end of humanity as they know it. Ajei looked at the humans and smirked "this young man is a wonderful human being. How can you Americans leave a young man to the painful reality and let him live a life of misery? You should be ashamed of yourselves you Americans!" Glynda shouted to the American representative who hung their heads low "just for you to know. I and Glynda are lovers to Ajei here despite him being young so if you even dare hurt my sister's loveable boyfriend, I will hunt you all down and send Atlas upon all of you" she threatened them and they flinch from her threat.

Safe to say, the meeting ends with the United States was penalized with 15 million dollars to Ajei for the incompetency of attempted kidnapping and the world ranted them of doing something so low that they make the United States pay Ajei and his friends they spending around their planned world tour.

Now Ajei and his friends were in India. The most populated of people in the world "yep India has the most people that rival China I told you about" Ajei said to the gawking girls. Ajei smirked and sweated knowing this was going again to be a tour of a lifetime.