Misadventure in Paradise

Ajei and Luni were looking for spices for Phantom since he is cooking the food tonight since he once cooked for an entire battalion and a group of people so he needed a few spices. Ajei was looking at spices and Luni was on the lookout because with the density of people means a higher chance of a gang or people could target them since the news exposed their presence and Ajei is worried since Asia has its own crimes in each country so a little paranoia is there but with Ajei and his fellow Belo comrades around the globe.

Luni spots a glaring group a few stalls away and from their hands appears to be knives in their knives "uh Ajei you might wanna quickly pick a spice" she said while tapping his shoulder "yeah wait I got to decide either spicy or no-" but Luni grabbed his hand and ran fast as the watching group chases them "oh great robbers wannabe! Luni goes back to the hotel while I handle this" Ajei said and Luni nodded and left Ajei by the alleyway. Ajei pulls out a custom adamantium staff and the group of teen robbers wannabes stood and circled him.

Ajei hits the first who tried to stab behind him in the head and the second tried also but gets hit in the chest hard breaking the chest. Third and fourth tried to flank his sides but Ajei hit them with the ends of the staff back and forth until his fourth tome hitting them and swoop their feet and tripped them. The fifth was a fat one so Ajei tripped him also to avoid hurting the guy's body too much (yep sorry too stereotypical to be nice to the fat man) and the sixth slashed and slashed hoping to hit him but only cut a little of Ajei's sleeve which was torn a bit who thought he made him at least wounded and looked at his blade which was a bad idea cause Ajei hit him hard in the top of his head with his staff. The last two were foolish to shoot Ajei's cause when he was shot. Ajei growled and the bullets came off of his chest. They run away with their lackeys unconscious and Ajei smirked "kids" Ajeinsaid to himself and teleported back to the hotel they checked in.


They were relaxing in the pool as Ajei came in with his torn attire from the kids "what happened back there Ajei?" Ruby asked and kissed Ajei who returns it and not minding the glares from people "some delinquents tried to rob us but I only knocked them out since I was in a good mood" Ajei said and Weiss took off his attire to sew it. Yang and Blake were laying on the chairs with Kazaki in the middle of them drinking coconut milk. Phantom was cooking some curry for dinner. Nora, Jane, Rena, and Pyrrha were training their moves and skills since they needed to keep their guard up since they are in the earth filled with danger. Ajei laid down on a chair as Ruby and Weiss laid on his chest, gaining some jealousy from the male populace now that they heard of this guy and these girls are popular and wish they were him but turn away as Ajei glared at every person and they look away in fear or never wanting to piss him off.


He was relaxing so much that Yang had to chat with him "Kazaki. How come you never showed me your muscles to me before handsome?" She flirted but Kazaki was not fazed but teased hear anyways for fun "you could've just ask Yang for this hot body?" Kazaki smirked his signature grin "oh I love to" as Yang was leaning closer when Kazaki put his hand on her shoulder "you know I'm just messing with you right Yang?" Kazaki asked her and Yang blushed due to the embarrassment that just happened to watch this happen didn't help "aww don't be yanging me out here" she joked and both Kazaki and Blake deadpanned from her usual jokes that are too old for modern modern-day that's an old joke" he said and Blake agreed with her "oh come on Blake whose side are you on?" She yelled and ran away from her wrath. Kazaki shrugs the situation and relaxes in his chair.


Phantom is mixing the curry with the spices that Ajei bought earlier and fought the kids earlier to give him the spices for the food tonight. He had the staff help him since the pot he was mixing was enormous for the servings of the entire building so he ended up cooking 12 potfuls of curry for the staff since Phantom was a softie to the women who cook food for people and their families all the time so he thought he could cook for them today and thanks to him, the staff didn't have to perform the hard labor as much and they get to go home early thanks to him. He finishes his 14th pot of beef curry and brought the portions enough for his group.


Outside of the hotel where the table of Ajei, RWBY, JNPR, and PLK were now eating their meal in peace as the night was calm and bustling with life as they enjoyed Phantoms cooking "wow Phantom. A girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend who cooks" Yang said while her mouth was full "tch" Phantom scoffed and looked away blushing thinking about it "now Yang. Phantom here has never been good with ladies his age" Luni giggled and elbowed Phantom "really Luni? Who's side are you on this?" Phantom had the most dead-looking face anyone had ever seen on his face.

Blake was not a big fan of such meaty food but liked the spices that came along with the vegetable instead of the beef. Weiss ate her food properly despite the dish being a dish a messy kind of food since most people in India would eat it with their hands "Weiss please try it with your hands" Ajei begged but Weiss refused and giggles at his dismay. Ruby, Nora, Rena, and Jane were just munching their food away since they enjoyed their food so much that they each ate 3 bowls full of curry and were full minutes later. They talked about their enjoyment of India "how's India so far ladies?" Kazakh asked as he had his arm around Luni who laid her head to rest "it's so many people yet they make good food" Yang said like a true tourist "yeah and especially the monks and the religion here is astounding" Blake was currently reading about the country. The group decided to call it a day but not before Ajei hired a few Belo locals to watch over them everywhere to make sure the US government was not planning anything to get them.

Each member got a spot in the beds as Ajei was sleeping with RWBY, Kazaki with Luni, and Phantom while sleeping with JNPR but really not asleep just to keep their guards up high.