Cherry Blossoms

The teens were now in the sweet modern Tokyo, the city of bright lights, good food, and most importantly in Ajei's opinion: anime. The group once again to explore the city for hours into the night. They were not aware but Emerald had followed them with her Belo companions Frankirk and Benexar "wow I didn't know that this world had such bright lights" Emerald awed the city while Frankirk and Benexar were busy eating the various food they saw were delish. Frankirk was eating sushi, omelet, and roasted duck. Bexar ate vegetables sushi and omelet. Emerald turns and sees them buy another sushi pack "guys could you please focus? I really need to meet Ajei. That Toulgma guy left us in Eostia"


"really he left us after he just received that his boss had left Eostia. Now what?" She yelled while Frankirk and Benexar were looking at each other "should we do something, Ben?" Frankirk asked his pal for advice on what to do "I have no idea Frankirk" Benexar said and look back to Emerald talking to herself since her plans were not to her plans.


Emerald stalked Ajei as they peeked on him while they were eating noodles and Emerald ordered some noodles and fell in love with the ramen "guys! You have to try these noodles-" and saw a stack full of empty bowls "WHAT HOW?!?" She yelled surprised that her two pals we're that hungry and realized that she has a large bill to pay.


Ajei ate a couple of ramen bowls while the others varied and as for Yang well let's say she ate a large portion amount of ramen. Ruby ate only 2 whists everyone ate 3 to 4 bowls "ahh nothing better than classic ramen to end this day" Ajei commented and rubbed his stomach "at this point, America has to pay a large amount for us" Kazaki joked and everyone laughs at their enemies misery "that should teach them a lesson about trying anything funny on us" Phantom smiled wide shocking the group "what?" He asked and Yang smirked and rubbed her finger to his chest "oh nothing. It's just you look cute when you smile" Yang complimented Phantom who blushes and looks away "s-shut up" Phantom suddenly stuttered.


As always, Ajei was surrounded by his lovers and friends as they laid on futons and Ajei smiled in his sleep. Late into the night, Ajei woke up and went to grab a glass of water. Ajei looks out the window and felt a grab before he felt a kiss in the lips and saw Emerald kissing him as she pushed him to the wall. She moaned and had her hand on his chest and Ajei decided to break the kiss "E-Emerald? What are you doing here?" Ajei asked and she smiled lustrously "Ajei Blackbourne? I always wanted to meet you in person" she said and swayed her hips to him "did you know how hard it was to find you Ajei?" Emerald pouted like a child "great cuteness overload" Ajei groaned since he had a soft spot for pouting faces that look childish to him "aww I thought you never cared Ajei" Emerald teased Ajei who scoffs "I guess you traveled around my missions to get to me" Ajei guessed and knew already but wanted to pretend that he didn't know "wait you knew Ajei?" Emerald surprised Ajei knew that she was chasing him.

Without warning, Frankirk and Benexar fall through the door and the entire group came from their futons and saw the three and Ajei "Emerald? What are you doing here?" Yang asked Emerald of her presence and gazed at Frankirk and Benexar(Emerald, Mercury, and Cinder are good in this story). Emerald explained the group of her adventures trying to talk to Ajei about something "wow uh Emerald. I never thought you had that kind of feeling with me. Are you sure you can handle sharing with the other girls?" Ajei was concerned since he wanted to make sure that his harem situation is not making their relationship more uncomfortable with the situation. Emerald nods "yes I'm sure I can share them with you" Emerald said as Yang held the two fallen "so Emerald you know these two guys?" She asked and she nodded "yeah. Frankirk and Benexar. Yang could you please put them both down before you make them more scared as Yang put both down and they bowed to her " I'm Frankirk. This is Benexar. We are Emeralds Loyalists and Companions" Frankirk boasted and Benexar slapped his head "stop boasting about our rank. Jeez Frankirk you couldn't just be more decent!" Benexar. Ajei entually felt tired and they all decided to sleep again and hoped for more adventures on earth.

Next day

Ajei went with Emerald and her two guards while the rest were exploring more of Tokyo "Emerald explain to me why am I with you to this smut book store?" Ajei asked deadpanned as they stood in front of a smut manga store "I may have some fetishes like-" but Ajei raised a hand to her "no, please. Some things are best left unsaid" Ajei not wanting to know of her fetishes. They enter the store and surprisingly the people inside the store didn't pay any mind to three guys and a girl in the group. Ajei like Japan since they are not the judgemental type of people in life and a person's choice to be who they are.


He was at a distance away from the group as a lookout since he didn't want to take the chance to let his guard down and the others were sightseeing the city.

Kazaki was the one taking the pictures for them. Phantom was the translator to the locals and Luni was well being herself by buying a lot of souvenirs. Yang would often look at Phantom sometimes and look away just as Phantom would look at her. Yang for a while and she knew that she looking at her "Yang don't even think that I don't know you putting a prank on me" as he pulled a rope out of the rooftop of a building as a bucket falls but Phantom uses his shadow semblance to catch it. Yang groans and pays him. Ruby was busy with Weiss and Emerald with the culture of Japan. Rena, Pyrrha, Nora, and Jane were sightseeing in the city.

Time skip

Japan was a blast as they explored many countries as Ajei told about the world to the best of his knowledge about countries and their history. Europe was Ajei and Kazaki's favorite continent because of the two world wars history and the people's struggles to today's events repeating. Africa was Emerald's favorite due to the diversity of people living there and the culture. Western America and South America were what everyone loved because of the kindness the locals showed and the food. Ajei decided that their stay on earth is over.


Queen Elizabeth was seeing Ajei and the youngsters go back home and gave him a sword and a crown along with British attire of the Royal Guard.

"Thank you, Mr. Blackbourne for saving the troops back at Middle East. Britain is open for you when you and your fiance want to return for a honeymoon" she offered and Ajei bowed to her "thank you, your majesty. Your gifts are most appreciated" Ajei thanked and the teen's bow and thanked her for their coverup payment paid. Ajei and PLK knew that they had to return to their world to report Ozpin about their journey around the world for a month.

A portal opens as they go through it "thanks Queen Elizabeth. Can you keep this portal making of mine a secret?" Ajei asked and she nodded "i made sure no one was present here in this garden and the area here is tech proof so any drone thats passing here will explode *explosion in the distance* it appears that my US allies tried to spy on us. Go now and thank you for everything" she thanked and the teens left. A Royal Guard reports the explosion "American drone tried to see this. Luckily, the camera of the drone was not facing this way your majesty" he reported and she ordered the cleanup and additional charges towards US again.