The Meetup

Six months had passed since Ajei and his company traveled across Earth and toured the human realm. The universe had a few conflicts here and there but that was no problem for APLK as they actually cleared and made crime rates across the universe by 75% of crime lowered and fewer people doing foolish things occasionally. The Inter-Universal Meeting was coming up and Ozpin was part of the meeting room and had to attend to talk about the progress thanks to Ajei's presence in the universe since his death on earth.

The Meeting Place

(Ignore the TV and other things)

The Meeting room was bigger than Ajei thought as Ozpin and Ajei along with his Royal Guard by his side for extra protection. The Meeting Room had been filled with some of the most known leaders of their own realms.

Minato Namikaze

Minori Rokujou


Celestine Lucullus


Sirzechs Lucifer

Makarov Dreyar

All Might

Mei Temuri

The Architect

Moka Akashiya

And various leaders of the universe. Ajei saw their bodyguards with them for backup. Among those people were familiar to Ajei. Everyone sits down and begins the meeting summit. Ozpin clears his throat "thank you ladies and gentlemen for coming. We gather here today for our annual checkup on the universe and to notify the good news to all of you" Ozpin said and motioned Ajei to stand up "the son of Lord 399th lord of Belerog Ajex is here with us. Ajei, if you please remove that hat please so everyone can see" Ozpin requested and Ajei removes his hat. Everyone gasps and gawks at Ajei shocked that the son of the king's soul being inside this very boy "what? That's impossible! The son of the king died during the kidnap!" The Raikage yelled and slammed his fist. Every female leader were blushing because he reminded them of Ajex during his reign was the ladies man of his time "A, look. Doesn't he look like him though?" Moka asked and Minori couldn't help but agree with her "y-yeah. He does look like his father" Minori commented and remembered her young years when she seduced his father.

Ajei clears his throat "I can assure you that I am the son of the king Ajei, the son of the 399th king of Belerog" he said with assurance to the leaders while Sirzechs, Najenda, Minato, Ozpin, Apollyon, and Celestine smiled at him. Everyone was surprised that Ajei managed to return to this universe "there's no doubt about that fact. I can see the energy in you Mr. Ajei. Your prime is the real deal" The Architect looked and felt Ajei's aura along with his father's residual energy within him. They then change the subject "anyways about the humans on earth since Ajei here last visited and caused a worldwide phenomenon in their world had occurred" Ozpin recalled the events of Ajei's actions in the human world and its impact. Tsunade got up and spoke "the humans have been in a panic due to the increasing conflicts in the earth causing their population to desperately fight among themselves but other than that, everything's good Mr. Ozpin" she reported since her nin spied on the human race in secret "the humans are bringing in their worst wolves in their world just as my world had endured" Apollyon feeling sorry for humanity.

Everyone else had a huge grudge towards the humans "good riddance. These humans deserve that for years of oppression against us during the commented 300-year war of 1714 to 2014 which was ended by you Lord Ajei" Minori's bodyguard commented which gained the majority of the bodyguards whom were Belo's who resent humans "yeah they corrupted our worlds and our youths with rape, crime, genocides, and war!" A bodyguard of Minato who calms him down "please calm down" Minato calming his bodyguard.

They discuss the eventsthatthappenedd in earth which resulted in many shocked faces because of the USA's attempt to capture them "despicable humans! They tried to harm our leading lord of the universe's son!" Celestine fuming with anger to the humans when they tried to harm her lovers son whom she is having a relationship with her. Apollyon gritted her teeth in anger. Ajei calms them down "please lords and ladies. Humanity may have harmed us and manipulated us, but we can be better than the human scumbags did to us. We can take this experience to be better than them. We may have committed some things like them but unlike them, we can change the cycle that they have made and make a difference in the universe. We the new generation can take back the glory from humanity by mending and rebuilding our lost livelihood back to the things they once were" Ajei spoke in a deep philosophical point about mending ourselvess and being better than the enemy. They all nodded and the bodyguards who agreed humanity deserves this had been inspired "humanity may have done bad to us but even they don't deserve this pain but they shall learn of our pain through their own conflicts" Ajei said and ended his point-making.

Ozpin and Celestine smiled at Ajei whom returns the smile. The meeting was interesting to say the least as the meeting ends with deciding to let humanity as it should be and let them do their own demise as the Architect and Apollyon would've wanted to declare war on humanity but they respected Ajei's wishes since Ajei himself had bombs powerful enough to split half the earth if they should ever invade their worlds.

Every leader came to Ajei for a chat "Lord Ajei. I knew your father. He's was a good man. He and I often sparred and hang out together" Minato said (yes. I decided to make some deceased characters in anime alive for this one but Minato resides in Kushina homeland) and patted his shoulder. Minori took a seductive approach "you look exactly like your dad when he and I had a thing back then" she moans to Ajei's ear which shocks him "Minori-sensei?" Ajei back up from her "Lord Ajei. Busy I see" Ozpin said and left "wait Mr. Ozpin!" Ajei yelled but he left and he had many leaders to speak with about his father.

Days later

Ajei came back to Beacon tired from his meetings and "deals" with the female leaders as Ajei lied on his bed and fell asleep. His team saw him and checked on him "where has he been and why does he reek of sweat and something manly about him?" Luni asked and Phantom blushed while reading his book and Kazaki had to spell it out for her by making a finger going through a hole and pointed to Ajei. It didn't take long for Luni to realize what he meant and blushed "oh my. I bet his stamina is at a low point. Poor Ajei. Kazaki get me my aura transfusion kit" Luni said and sat besides Ajei whom was snoring now.

Team RWBY and JNPR saw this and blushed on how can Ajei last that long. They decided to talk to him again after he rests for a few days worth of sleep (yes my OC can sleep for days depending on how long he stayed up) and went back to their dorms.