A Little Side History of Belerog

Belerog is the capital of the universe where the race of Belo's reside and live in.

Here in Belerog is where a diversity of people live or go to the modern city. This is also home to the Belo Royal Family who is the leader of not only Belerog but the many realms and factions within the universe except humans due to their stupidity and their foolishness. The capital is also the embodiment of the entire race. Here people's cultures blend and mix in between due to the increase of the market being more open as humanity is slowly declining in the market. Belerog was formed in the years before the birth of Christ and evolved by the year 1000 when Belo's had made gunpowder way ahead than the Chinese. The ways of war for the Belo's changed drastically as they adapted very easily to guns faster then humans have adapted warfare to their cultures.

Many Belo Royal families were formed after a series of war in its race from 33 AD to 600 when 1000 clans fought each other for land, power, and survival to prolong their clans or empires as many were changing their names. By the time the year 600 came, 536 clans remained.

Six of these clans became superpowers.

The Xylonie's aka Belo's with X marked masks and known for their brute strength. (Imagine people wearing the mask)

The Grim's aka The Grim Reapers known for hence the Grim Reaper title

The Biyranian's aka Pyromaniac Belo's known for using fire related weapons and attacks also living in a wasteland empire

The Hashie's aka Trapsmen of Belo known for their mastering of traps and tricks

(Imagine them being the masters of traps and tricks)

The Johns aka Politicians of Belo known for knowing politics and carrying out justice

The Belo's aka The Main Family of the entire 536 clans of Belerog

(Again various Belo's wear random or full set armor and attire in the army. Think of any armor or attire you like for them to wear. Anything except anything that associates hate and resentment to particular things. Ex: Nazi's)

Belerog has been the peace enforcer since 33 AD and has continued to protect its borders from humans.

(Replace the Chinese with Belo's and various soldier looking ones here)

Since humanity always violates and attempted to invade the realms, Belo's have always beefed up security and increased brutality towards humans due to humanity treating them the same, so in return, no humans are to be spared ever.

The year 1000 was the Golden Age for Belo's due to the increase of Belo's always finding creative ways to create guns, for example, the musket had evolved into a 6 shooter without the need to only shooting once before putting the powder and using a rod to reload which help tremendously in the armies of the 536 clans which then turned into nations but along with a change in warfare came new ways of sadism and hatred in Belo's but it had a rule that was forged in the amongst the chaos and war: Fem-Nazim.

Fem-Nazim was an idealogy in the years of 1100 to 1690 which men can participate when they feel bad for women around the universe and the men in the idealogy can partake in vigilante acts on men who abuse, kill, rape, harm, beat, and mostly disrespect women as a whole. Men in the Fem Nazi's are expected to kill men of their own gender to prove their faith that women are to be respected equally. This religion died out in the 1690s due to the universe finally respecting them, unfortunately, the humans came in 1714 which they brought with them corruption, violence, debauchery, adultery, sin, and mostly seeing women not as equals.

Belo's at the beginning of the 1800s during the 300-year war soon began to turn to crime to survive the war. Fem-Nazism soon began to rise again as men increased in numbers that the humans weren't even aware of their existence until the 1900s but were too late. Belerog and the rest of the universe had trillions of criminals, rogues, and lots of vigilantes around the universe who were in the humans way to dominating the anime and cartoon worlds which stopped their advance inland of the universe. They sided with the Anime Belo Rebellion Armies and showed their frustrations on humanity. They maimed, killed, murdered, and slaughtered all humans.

Their race beat humans when Ajei ascended upon his long lost throne in 2014 and became the one to destroy the remaining forces of humanity and won the long struggle to end the human's power to domination.

Humanity has since been the center for various gods and realms for the entertainment of the entire universe. Belo's are always on the look on humanity if they again tried to put the universe at risk and could compromise the end of days by invading the realms.

Humanity during 1940s to 2010 were struggling to keep the Anime Belo's from advancing to other worlds, so they desperately used nuclear bombs as a last resort to stopping them despite most of the countries not supporting them and withdrew their armies back home. US called them cowards and launched nukes on the Anime realms. They then sent 400 million men to the nuked realms with suits and huge military presence to take control of the realms.

Unfortunately, this didn't work. The radiations of the bombs were ineffective as the bombs instead gave Belo's powerful mutations that were beyond human. They tried to capture one but failed as their newfound mutations gave them an overwhelming power over the humans. They retreat but find out the reason the countries didn't support the bombs. They were already occupied by the Belo's in secret. The countries of the world were under Belo influence and America was left to defend itself as eventually they came and destroyed the last remnants of human allies in Alaska in 2018 this ending their power as a realm.

To this day, the universe asks the Americans if it was worth destroying the very relams to the brink of anger and was it worth it making others suffer for things they didn't do to humanity?

Thanks for reading. I made this side story to keep me company since I have a job now and am always busy so I'll try to make my stories but its not guaranteed I'll make them in time. Thanks for reading